There are times when you want to be told what to do.

You are agonizing over a decision. Or feeling stuck, with no sense of direction. Or you want to be told what your purpose is. You want a clear answer.

You to go to Spirit for unbiased advice. To get clear directions.

You’ve got expectations that Spirit is going to give you what you want. And then Spirit gives you a message that is vague. Maybe it’s just an image. Maybe it’s a metaphor. Maybe it’s resounding silence.

You don’t get the answer or step-by-step instructions you wanted.

You’re disappointed, right? Maybe even angry at Spirit.

I can relate. I’m relocating cities and I’ve sold my house in Toronto. I’ve been house-hunting in London, Ontario but I can’t find anything. I’m the type of person who likes to make things happen quickly. This is not happening for me. Time is running out. I’m frustrated. When I asked Spirit for direction, I got “Your house will turn up. Don’t worry.” Argh! And then my guide, Stephen, showed Karen a picture of the house but instructed her not to tell me what it looks like. It’s maddening.

Why does this happen? Why are there times when Spirit’s response is less than clear? It’s not done to make us crazy. It’s actually done to help us. Really.

Spirit always knows what we need. It may not be what we want, but it is what we need. When Spirit provides a response that isn’t clear it’s because we need to learn or figure out something for ourselves. It is meant to help us grow. If Spirit answered all our questions for us, we would stop learning and growing. We wouldn’t learn to further tap into our intuition. We wouldn’t strengthen our trust and belief in ourselves.

Spirit is helping us move forward on our journey by helping us grow as individuals. Spirit is teaching us that sometimes the answers are within us. We just have to dig for them. And we become stronger for it.

What lessons is Spirit teaching me on my house hunt? Patience, for one! That things don’t always go according to my timeline. That control is overrated. There are times when it is good to let things evolve outside my control. Trust. That I can trust my intuition to know when I’ve found the right house. Which will strengthen my belief in myself. And therefore my self-confidence.

When you get that vague message (or silence) from Spirit don’t rail against it. Accept it. 

Know that Spirit is doing it out of love for you. Spirit is leading you on a journey for your own personal growth. Embrace the lesson. And take deep breaths!


Have you ever had a dream of flying?

Or wished you could fly from Canada to France or anywhere in the world?

What about space? Flying by planets and the Milky Way and seeing galaxies that are beyond your imagination.

Oh it’s possible. I have done it. Yes, I have flown around the world and been to space. It is breathtaking and something that is so real and memorable. All so relaxing, beautiful and so much wisdom during each visit.

Sound cool eh?

What if I told you I did it from my very own home?

It’s called astral travel.

As humans we all have our physical vessels which are our bodies. We also have our soul which is the energy and spiritual part.

During astral travel our spiritual soul leaves our body and can travel and visit anywhere and with anyone. We are still connected by an energetic cord so we are not in the stage of dying. We are just experiencing astral travel. Sometimes people notice themselves jump in their sleep. Usually this is due to the spirit coming back into the body before our vessels wake up. It’s rushing to get back into its vessel so we are connected when we wake up.

During astral travel we can learn so much along the way from the people we meet and where we go. We can oversee things and it can help with decisions we may have or fears that we need to overcome.

Can everyone do it?

Yes, we can all astral travel. Sometimes people practice to do it, because you have to be the proper state of sleep to astral travel. You need to be totally relaxed and in a slight meditative state. Some people can do it just like breathing, It just comes natural.

Just think, a free ride and you can work by day and fly by night.

Have you had an out of body experience? Tell me about it, I want to hear where you went!

#space #travel #astraltravel

When we talk about the human muscles; most people think about working out and building them. Muscles have many functions for the human body. The main one is for movement and helping us with our posture.

What if I were to tell you that your muscles can help provide you with answers. It is not mystical or voodoo. It is kinesiology’s natural way of using the bodies’ electrical system at any given time.

Kinesiology is another word for muscle testing.

Everyone and anyone can use muscle testing. It can be a great help to really tune into your body and get answers.

Having said that, if someone is not open to muscle testing or applied kinesiology, the results may not be as effective. In many of these modalities you need to be open minded. In my personal option; you create your own reality and if you choose not to believe in something, it’s not going to work or have a positive outcome.

So how is muscle testing done?

Muscle testing uses your personal electrical system. This energetic electrical system knows what brings balance and harmony to the body and what is disruptive to it.

Muscle testing is typically done by testing the resistance in one arm. You hold a thought or question in your mind. You can also hold an item you have a question about in your hand.

When all that is in place, hold your arm out straight. Have someone apply pressure to that arm. You will be able to feel resistance or no resistance on that arm. This is your electrical system working.

When there is no resistance and your arm can be pushed down, this is your body telling you that it really is not in balance and that your body may not like what you just tested.

When you have trouble pushing the arm down and you feel resistance, this is usually a great indicator that your body is OK with this.

It’s fun to play around with muscle testing and you will be surprised how accurate it can be!!

What do you think about muscle testing? Leave us a comment below.

Pets are beloved companions.

When they pass, we miss them and grieve for them. And we want to know that they are okay. That they aren’t suffering.

It is possible to know how your pet is doing after they pass.

Just as a connection can be made to a human spirit who has passed on, so can a connection be made to an animal that has passed on. The process for connecting is the same.

If you use an Intuitive like us, we will connect to spirit and ask for your pet’s spirit to come through. If you are able to connect with Spirit yourself, ask for your pet to come through. (If you’ve never tried to connect, use these steps)

Don’t be surprised when your pet speaks to you!

Yes, your pet can communicate using words when they are in spirit form. Sometimes they may show you an image that lets you know they are healthy and happy.

I channeled a friend’s cat for her and he gave her both images and words. And now that she can connect to Spirit herself, this cat is one of her main guides.

No matter how your pet chooses to communicate – through words or images or just a feeling, accept the message and comfort offered.

So, if you feel you still hear or sense your pet after they’ve passed, don’t discount this feeling. They are definitely with you in spirit.

The loss of a pet can be just as dramatic as losing a human being. Did you notice that I did not say “family member”? This is because most people with pets consider their pets as family.

Animals have their own personalities, as do humans and that’s why pets are such great companions. There can be a very strong connection between both human and pets. We both have our likes and dislikes and our routines. Pets know our moods and how to comfort and we comfort pets in times of stress as well. Hey, people even dress pets and paint their nails! Yes, I can say my youngest child the other year painted our guinea pigs nails and our dog’s as well. It was a safe non-toxic polish and of course bright pink!

When humans pass, it’s usually tradition to celebrate the life of that loved one and of course grieve in our own way. This is usually done at funeral service.

There are services and pet cemeteries for our pets too. It is a way of respect for saying thanks to our pets and like humans; it’s to celebrate and aid in the grieving process as well.

So having said that, if humans pass and become a spirit or to heaven; why would it be any different for animals?

If you look at humans and animals passing, we both go in similar ways. It may be from illness, accident, old age or unexpected situations. I’m not saying we are animals but we both have organs, systems and anatomy that need to work properly in order to live. When one or all shut down, that’s when both species pass.

So I like to call the human or animal bodies, vessels. They body or vessel serves our purpose to hold our spirit while on earth. When we no longer need these vessels our spirit leaves the vessel and becomes a spirit that crosses the veil in to heaven or the universe. Heaven is all around us. This is why some people say after a pet has passed, they hear noises or feel like their dog or cat jumped on their couch. Well, they most likely did.

So when you lose a pet, they are still here in spirit. If you feel that you hear them or see them out of the corner of your eye, remember to say “Hi. They can hear you and are stopping in to say “Hi” and visit.

Have you ever felt that your pet that had passed has come back to visit you? What happened and what did you do about it? Drop me a line in the comments or email me at

Thanks for reading. Hit the “ like” below if you believe or had an experience. Thanks
Pixabay you did it again with great photos!

What is the best time of day to connect with Spirit?

This is a question many wonder about.

Any time of day is a good time, however, there are times when we are more receptive than others.

1. Asleep

It’s true. We are most receptive to Spirit and their messages when we are asleep. It is because we are totally relaxed and don’t have any barriers up to block Spirit. This is why many people dream of loved ones who have passed.

You can also meet your own Spirit Guide in sleep. Simply state your intent (read more about Setting Intent) before you go to sleep and your Guide will appear in your dreams.

2. Falling Asleep

When you are falling asleep, you are very relaxed and therefore very open to Spirit. Spirit will visit using images, colours, words, and physical sensations.

Think about it for a moment and you will probably realize you’ve had this experience: Have you ever been drifting off to sleep and seen a face you don’t recognize? Or felt tingles on the top of your head? Or smelled a particular scent that reminds you of someone?

Here is another opportunity to ask to connect with Spirit. Just before you go to bed invite Spirit to visit. Then as you are falling asleep, note what or who comes through.

3. During or After a Meditation

We are relaxed, in a safe and quiet place and inwardly focused during and right after meditating. This is another optimal condition and time to connect with Spirit.

To connect with Spirit through meditation, use our tips.

All of this takes practice so please don’t give up if feel like you haven’t connected on the first go. Be patient!

Photo courtesy of Pixabay

Do you ever feel like you see pictures or items of the same animal everywhere you turn?

You watch TV and up pops the same animal. It’s on posters and books or you dream about it.

I spoke in my last blog about what an Animal Totem is. In brief to remind you: An Animal Totem is another type of a Guide we have with us throughout our lives. The purpose of the animal totem is different for each person. They help us get through different situations we endure throughout our lives.

So if we have this guidance, why can’t we tap into it and use it first hand?

Great news!! You can! And I am going to help you learn how to do just that in this blog.

So first I want you to think of anytime when you have had the same animal pop up several times. Now if you have not had this happen, can you think of a specific animal that you feel like you have a connection to? If you still say “nope, I can’t or I don’t”, that’s ok I can still help you find it out what animal it is.

So the next step in connection with your Animal Totem or finding out what animal it is by meditating on it. Now, I can hear some of you. Ah, I don’t have time to meditate or I can’t meditate. Well how about give yourself 5 minutes of quiet time where you can just sit down with quiet around you. Five minutes people, that’s all. You can do it. You never know how much this new found friend will help you along your journey.

I think we are all ready to get started with this. So let’s go meet your Animal guide. Yes, Animal Totem and Animal Guides is the same thing.

Find a comfortable seat where you can relax. Next, you can close your eyes or keep them open, which ever one you feel more comfortable with.

Now, let go of all your day’s thoughts, agendas, to do lists. Let go of anything that no longer serves you at this time. Deep breaths in and exhaling it slowly. Letting go, knowing that you are on a new journey right now ready to meet your animal guide.

I want you to picture yourself barefoot, in the desert. No one else is around. Just you; knowing you are coming closer to meet your animal guide.

You breathe in and out slowly, totally relaxing your whole body. You are still picturing yourself standing in the desert.

You notice a door in the middle of nowhere. You slowly walk over to it knowing it is a safe door where only good will come of it. There is nothing to fear or worry about.

You slowly walk over to that door. The door opens and there is a staircase below.
You take one step at a time and there are ten steps to the bottom. You slowly take one step at a time counting down the steps. 10, 9, 8, 7,6,5,4,3,2,1. You are on the bottom step. As you step down on the floor there is a faint light in the distance.

You look towards it, to see what is there. You notice that there is something there.

Walk closer towards it. Stop when you have to if you are feeling overwhelmed. There is no rush.

There will be a point when you feel that you are good and no need to get closer. When you reach this point, take another deep breath in and release it.

Carefully take a look at it. What is it?

What animal, insect or mammal is it?

This is the time you can now observe what it is.

There is no rush. Just enjoy the moment and connect with it.

When you are ready, thank this animal for coming forward and know that this is your animal totem and guide.

Slowly turn around and start walking towards the stairs where you will head back up them.

You will count the stairs are you go up. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. You are at the top.

The door opens and you take a deep breath in and out. You are ready to step out the door. As you walk out the door closes behind you.

You now walk away from the door remembering your experience.

Open your eyes when you are ready to. Deep breath in and out.

WOW!! Amazing. I can’t wait to hear who your totems are! Drop me a line at or leave a comment below.

If you enjoyed this blog please hit the like button, thanks!


Thanks PixaBay for the awesome photo:)

Here, There and Everywhere!

In the middle of a channeling session, my Spirit Guide, Stephen, said to my client “I will be with you to help you”.

Afterwards I thought “Whaaat? Wait a minute. Stephen is my guide, how can he be somewhere else? Especially when I can feel him with me all the time????”

Oh, how naïve I was at first. I was attributing human characteristics to Spirit. We can’t be in two places at once so I figured they couldn’t either. Thankfully they didn’t laugh at my ignorance.

Just like Spirit isn’t bound to any particular form (see my earlier blog about this), Spirit isn’t bound to time or place, either. While Spirit visits us in our dimension, they aren’t bound by our conventions.

A spirit can be in many places at once.

For example, my Mom watches over my siblings, my nieces and me. She doesn’t divide her time between us; rather she is with each one of us at all times.

Spirit can also guide more than one person at a time.

They may show up in similar form and using the same name – like the Archangels – or they may take different names based on what the person needs.

Once one of my friend’s Guides, Harold, showed up as one of my client’s Guides but gave his name as Alex. I was rather surprised at the time. When my friend and I asked Harold about it, he explained that he has many facets and shows the side of himself that is needed by the person he is with. And that he may take a different name especially for that person.

I’m no longer bothered that Stephen is with others. In fact, I’m glad to know that they are receiving his help. He’s taught me how to truly share 😉

If you have read our past blogs, we blogged about how we all have a Spirit Guide(s). We also explained what a spirit guide is. Now we want to add Animal Totems to the mix.

An Animal Totem is another type of a Guide we have with us throughout our lives. The purpose of the animal totem is different for each person. With this one animal a connection is shared, either through interest in the animal, dreams, or other interaction.

Webster’s Dictionary defines a totem as: “A natural object, usually an animal that serves as a distinctive, often venerated emblem or symbol. A means of personal or spiritual identity.”

A totem is a spirit being, sacred object, or symbol of a tribe, family or individual. Tradition of the Native American states that each person is connected with nine different animals that will accompany each of us through life, acting as guides.

Different animal guides come in and out of our lives depending on the direction that we are headed and there are different tasks that are need to be completed along our life journey. Thus, different animal guide for our different progress through life.

These Animal Guides offers power and wisdom to us all when we “communicate” with them, and we show them respect and trust. These animal totems are there for us to take journeys with them to get to know them and in return they help us along the way. They help pave the path and help guide us with a clear vision.

For some, knowing what is their totem animal is almost an innate process. It’s as if they’ve always known or had a connection to a particular animal and they just feel a connection to them.

Some people are curious to know about their animal totem and see a spiritual teacher or Intuitive to help them discover their animal.

Once you know your animal guide and their reasoning for them being present in your life at that time, you can use them to help you with your journey.

If you are aware of your guide there are many great books and website that have the meaning of the different animal totems. It truly is wild to see the meaning and put it in prospective with what is going on in your life and what you need at that time.

It’s so reassuring how we have so much support and guidance when all we have to do is just ask!

What’s your animal totem and does it fit you at this time in your life? Drop me a line at

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“That is just weird.”

This is how one of my sisters responded when I told her I had Spirit Guide and could feel him as tingles on my left arm.

As negative responses go, it was on the mild side. But if this was the response I got from my sister, what would friends, colleagues and professional acquaintances say when I told them I was leaving a career in executive search to practice as an Intuitive?

No one likes rejection.

Isn’t this what we all fear? An adverse response when we share our experiences with Spirit. That we are going to be labeled as “woo woo” or worse.

I think this is why Spirit isn’t part of our everyday conversation. Who wants to take the chance of sharing experiences and/or beliefs, only to be mocked?

Put aside the fear.

In the early days, when I was practicing part time, I worried A LOT about what to tell people about what I was doing. And how people would react when I told them I was starting a Channeling business.

After I witnessed many of the profound benefits Channeling was offering my clients, I ceased to care about what others would think. I knew what I offered brought a lot of comfort, peace and joy to people and that is what became important.

You will be surprised.

When I left the corporate world, I was honest with my colleagues, clients and candidates. I told them that I was starting a business channeling Spirit.

90% of the response was positive. They wished me well. Some shared their own experience with Spirit. Some wanted appointments. And these were senior business executives – not the type you might expect to be believers.

It taught me that you never know who is open to Spirit – because it’s not a mainstream topic of conversation – but if you initiate a dialogue, you are going to find more people believe than you think.

Start a conversation about Spirit.

I think the more we talk about the Spirit Realm and our experiences, the better off we will be. Like with mental health, it will take away the stigma and our spiritual, mental and emotional health will benefit.

I challenge you to start one conversation with someone you know. And then tell us about how it went.