Imagine being happier by taking 2 minutes a day to meditate. Yep, 2 minutes only. Really. 

More and more, research is proving that a regular meditation practice lowers stress, anxiety and blood pressure levels while increasing attention, focus, calmness and a sense of peace.

While most people meditate longer than 2 minutes, even 2 minutes can help. For those two minutes you aren’t multitasking and therefore you’re giving your brain a stress break.

See? A happy making situation.

“I can’t meditate because I can never stop my thoughts.”

This is the biggest complaint I hear from people when I tell them how meditation not only keeps me grounded but helps me deal with stress.

Meditation is not about stopping your thoughts. It is about being aware of them but not engaging in them.

You will never be able to totally stop your thoughts. If you didn’t have thoughts, you wouldn’t be breathing. You would be free of stress though 😉

When a thought comes to mind, and it will, just observe it. Watch it like you would a train going by. It comes into your field of awareness and passes out of your field of awareness. Don’t engage it.

What do I mean by not engaging in the thought? For example, you are meditating and think “I have to go to the grocery store today.” Rather than diving into that thought further with “And I have to pick up bread, mayonnaise, cereal, etc.” just imagine the thought moving by. There will be a different one right behind it. Do the same for that one, too.

With practice, will get better at this and your thoughts will slow down.

If you can start and sustain a meditation practice you won’t regret it and you will be happier.

Here are 5 of my tips that I hope will help you.

  1. Don’t worry about “doing it right”. This is everyone’s worry. If you are sitting in stillness and silence, you are meditating correctly.
  1. Start small. Don’t try to meditate for 30 minutes your first time out. That’s like trying to run a marathon on your first outing. Start with 2 minutes a day. You can work up from there.
  1. Don’t beat yourself up for engaging in your thoughts. It’s going to happen. It happens to everyone. Just pull yourself out of your thought and refocus on your breathing or your mantra.
  1. Don’t worry about what others are doing. Deepak Chopra meditates for 2 hours everyday. Ha! That’s never going to be me. I experimented and learned 20 minutes is just right for me and that’s all I care about.
  1. Don’t give up! Everyone’s time is precious but if you stick with a regular practice, it will make a huge difference in your life.

Meditation Resources

There are many different types of meditation. You can sit in silence and listen to your breathing. You can silently repeat a mantra to yourself. You can focus on an image. You can listen to music. And so on.

Here are a few places to learn more about a few of the different types of meditation practices

Primordial Sound Meditation

(The Chopra Center also offers free Meditation experiences a few times a year. I’ve done many of them and highly recommend them. One of my favourites was called “Finding your Flow” and was based on the 7 Chakras.)

Mindfulness Meditation

(These are free mindfulness mediations you can try. I haven’t tried them nor have I read the related book. This was a referral in Arianna Huffington’s book “Thrive”)

Your public library. Libraries usually carry a number of books and cds on mediation. You can try out several at no cost!

Do you meditate? How has it helped you? We are interested in hearing about your experiences. Please comment below, on our FaceBook page or on Twitter.

Do You Fear Spirits? You’re Not Alone. We Can Help.

Fear is a normal reaction

Except for babies and young children, fear is pretty much everyone’s first reaction when they encounter spirits. It certainly was for us. Knowing where it comes from is the first step in overcoming it.

Fear of the unknown

I think its fair to say that many of us fear the unknown. The first time we do or try anything, it’s a little scary because we don’t know what is going to happen or what to expect.

This applies when you first encounter a spirit. You most likely weren’t expecting it and a typical reaction is “What the heck?” And you’re scared. Not surprising at all.

Fiction helps fuel it

Writers and Hollywood have also done a great job of instilling fear of Spirit in the general populace. Amityville Horror. The Exorcist. Poltergeist. The Shining. (I’m showing my age…) The Others. Paranormal Activity. And let’s not forget all the scary stories we tell each other growing up. Doesn’t do much to make you confident that spirits are loving and kind, does it?

We all dread bad news

None of us like to get bad news. We fear it. And we fear that spirits are going to bring us bad news. We might be even be afraid that our passed loved ones are going to say something to upset us. Avoidance often becomes our choice.

Here is How You Can Overcome Your Fears:

Stop and think

If you have had visits from Spirit before or they are happening now, take a moment to think about what actually happened. Did anything bad happen? Or did you just feel a presence? Is your fear more about the fact that you were surprised and didn’t understand what was happening?

If you think about the encounter during or after, you will most likely see that the Spirit was just making it’s presence known and wasn’t doing anything bad to you. They just wanted your attention.

Remember fiction is imaginary

As for books, movies and stories about Spirit, it makes great entertainment but is hardly based in reality. The purpose is to scare us silly, not represent the truth. The truth is that spirits are not out to get us or do harmful things to us. They simply want to connect and communicate with us. Remember, its fiction. [fusion_builder_container hundred_percent=”yes” overflow=”visible”][fusion_builder_row][fusion_builder_column type=”1_1″ background_position=”left top” background_color=”” border_size=”” border_color=”” border_style=”solid” spacing=”yes” background_image=”” background_repeat=”no-repeat” padding=”” margin_top=”0px” margin_bottom=”0px” class=”” id=”” animation_type=”” animation_speed=”0.3″ animation_direction=”left” hide_on_mobile=”no” center_content=”no” min_height=”none”][Maybe a lot of these storytellers are using their medium to work through their own fears 😉 ].

Ask for highest guidance and love to come through

When we channel Spirit, we always ask for the highest love and guidance to come through for our clients. You can do this, too, if you are making the connection yourself (see Karen’s blog 4 Tips to Meet with Your Spirit Guide). This ensures that the messages you receive are of the highest intent and therefore there is nothing to fear.

Know you will only get messages you need

When spirits communicate with you, they are doing so because you need the message they have to impart. Spirit knows exactly what you need to hear at the moment of connection and they will never give you information that you are not capable of handling and processing.

Most of the time, your messages will be positive and filled with love. Yes, I said “most” of the time. Does this mean that you might get bad news? It is a possibility. One of my clients put it this way, “Sometimes we get what we need and not what we want.”

If you do get sad news, odds are it is something that you are already know and it is given to you to prepare you. If you do receive such a message it is because you can handle it.

For example, when my Dad was ill, I received messages that his death was close. I knew he wasn’t going to live a long time but having this confirmed by Spirit really made it sink in. It wasn’t happy news but it prepared me for his passing. Also, had I not had these messages, I may not have made as much effort as I did to spend as much time with him as I could before he died.

Know that spirits are not here to harm you

Please remember, the spirit world is not here to terrorize you. Rather, spirits and the messages they bring are here to help you on this journey we call life. They just want to connect and give you a message. You can let go of the fear.

I hope this has helped you overcome any fears of Spirit you may have had. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask. We love getting questions from our readers. You can post them below or email them to

We encourage you to share any experiences you’ve had with Spirit with readers. Especially if you started out from a place of fear and had it turn into one of joy.

Are you interested in hearing messages and insights from our Guides? Join our free membership and receive monthly messages as well as exclusive member benefits.


Yes, Conan could be your Spirit Guide. “How can a fictional character be my Spirit Guide?” you ask? Read on to find out.

Spirit Guides, like all spirits, are light in their true form.

There are various belief systems in the world, however, what seems to be universal is the belief that when you die, you “go into” or “return to” the light. That is because our spirits are formed of light and when we leave our bodies, we return to the source of light.

Spirit can take on any form it wants.

While light in their true form, spirits are able to take on any form they wish. They do this to be recognizable to you. For example, if you want to speak with your Mother who has passed away, she could come through just as a bright light but its more likely she will come through in the body she had when she was your Mother so you know that it is her.

To help you, your Spirit Guide will take on a form that has significance for you.

I have a guide that is a Native American Medicine Man. He takes this form because I knew him as such in a past life and because he is also here to help me with healing. One of Karen’s guides is Archangel Rafael. Archangel Rafael is known worldwide for appearing as a green light. He always appears this way to Karen. This is how she was first able to identify him and how she knows whom she is working with during a session.

And, yes, Spirit Guides will turn up as fictional characters.

If Conan has turned up as your guide, it may be because you need a figure that helps you feel safe and protected. Or because you need a strong supporter. Or it may be that you are interested in the time period he is associated with. Don’t worry too much about the form your Spirit Guide takes. Simply enjoy the connection, guidance and love.

Occasionally, Spirit Guides’ appearances change over time.

What do I mean by this? Imagine if Jesus showed up the very first time you connected to your Guide. You might be intimidated, overwhelmed or afraid to connect again. To avoid this, Jesus will turn up in a form you are comfortable with, such as an animal. When you reach a point where you will accept him as your guide, he will emerge in his true form.

Do you know who your Guide is? We would love it if you would share with us. We are always interested in learning about other people’s Guides and I’m sure our other readers are, too. Please post your story below, on FaceBook or Twitter or email me at

Interested in hearing messages and insights from our Guides? Join our free membership here and receive monthly messages as well as exclusive member benefits.

You followed Karen’s 4 Tips to Meet Your Spirit Guide and received some messages. BUT you’re unsure if the messages came from your Spirit Guide or yourself. So how do you tell the difference? Here are 5 signs to help you distinguish where the message came from.

1. Your message was positive.

If your message was of love and pride, than I can assure you that was your Spirit Guide speaking to you. Our Guides love us very much and they are our biggest cheerleaders. They will tell us often how much they love us and how proud they are of us. And think about it – how often do you tell yourself you love yourself and that you’re proud of yourself? More often than not the messages we give ourselves are negative. (And we need to STOP that!

2. You don’t normally talk that way.

If the message contained words you don’t normally use or some you don’t recognize, then it was your Guide. (I’ve had to look words up in the dictionary!) If the style of speaking was different than yours or the pacing of the message was slower or faster than you normally speak, then it was your Spirit Guide.

3. The message was accompanied by a physical sensation of some sort.

A lot of people feel a tingling sensation on the crown of their heads when connecting with their Spirit Guides. (This is the Crown Chakra which connects you to higher consciousness and awareness.) Maybe you felt energy flowing in your hands. Or a drop in temperature. Or a rush of love through your heart centre.  Sometimes, people receive a scent out of nowhere. If you had some sort of physical sensation, this is a manifestation of your Guide’s presence.

4. Your imagination was never this good!

Maybe you saw yourself in another lifetime fighting off a dragon. Or saw an animal and it spoke to you. Or maybe you received a message that you need to visit a city you have never, ever thought about visiting.  This is not your imagination. This is your Guide communicating with you.

5. The tone of voice didn’t sound like yours.

If you hear the message in a voice that doesn’t sound like yours at all – you don’t even need to me to say it. 😉

You might have an element of disbelief when you first start communicating with your Spirit Guide(s). Karen and I did, too. Everyone does. When you are questioning where the message came from, ask yourself if any of these 5 signs appeared. If one or more did, you can trust the message was from your Guide.

With practice, you will gain confidence in your ability and be better able to distinguish where the messages are coming from.

We love hearing from our readers so please, if you have thoughts to share on this topic, please leave a comment below or on Facebook or Twitter.

Are you interested in hearing messages and insights from our Spirit Guides? Join our free Channeled Wisdom membership and receive monthly messages as well as exclusive member benefits.

Are you ready to gain wisdom, insight and start a new relationship with the invisible friend you have had by your side day in and day out from before birth?

Or have you heard about Spirit Guides and you are an adventurous person that is ready to start a new journey? Whether you fit into the categories above or not, you can use these 4 simple steps to meet with your Spirit Guide.

Let’s get started. Are you ready? Oh, a quick tip for you before we get started. You may want a blanket or sweater near. Sound crazy? But actually the air temperature may drop when Spirit is present and you may get the chills.

Now, lets move on with the 4 Simple Steps to connect with your Spirit Guide.

1. Lose Any Distractions Around You
That’s right turn off the radio, television and ringer on all phones. Some people even find that in areas where there are a lot of WiFi zones it can be harder to connect with Spirit. This is due to the frequencies and sound waves we do not tune into consciously. You might want to turn off your WiFi on your computer and phones.
Once you have lost all distractions you are ready to move on to number two. That’s easy enough so far.

2. Find A Comfortable Spot Where You Can Be In A Sitting Position
Alright, so we have lost all distractions – now you may take a seat. I find at first it may be easier to sit then lay down. Some people that lay down get too comfortable and fall asleep. So I suggest being in a seated position where you can sit for at least 10-20 minutes, or for whatever time you may have available.
Now that you are seated you may want to cover up with that blanket or sweater if you have not done so. While in the seated position you want to relax your whole body and let go of any thoughts.
Breathe in through your nose and let it out through your mouth. Take nice deep and slow breaths. You want to slow your breathing here as it will help with relaxation. On your exhalation you may find making a quiet sound of “haaaaa” will help you focus on your breath and relax even further.

Let’s move on to number three once you are relaxed and have practiced your breathing.

3. Intent
Now that you are relaxed you may choose to keep your eyes open or closed. One way is not better than the other. Just do what feels most comfortable.
This is now the time you want to set the intention for this session. This may be said mentally or out loud. Spirit can hear both ways just fine.
You can make up any intent statement as everyone has their own comfort zone and connection to words. I will give you a simple and easy one but feel free to add or change it all together. “I ask to connect with only the highest pure energy source in connecting with my Spirit Guide. Thank You”. This statement of intent is to connect with your Spirit Guide at the highest vibrational level of good. Remember to give thanks at the end.
Spirit should always be respected and thanked.

4. Connecting With Your Spirit Guide
So you have stated your intent and now are ready to allow your Spirit Guide to come through to meet you. This is the part where you have to keep what I call your ego self out. Your ego self is the part of you where emotions can run wild and you over think things. It is not the purest part of you. You want to keep your ego self out and think from what is called your true self or pure soul within. You can picture your ego sitting on the park bench as your true self walks away.

Now that your ego is on the sidelines, you are breathing and relaxed and have made your statement of intent you may notice some changes. You may feel a drop in room temperature and get the chills. Or you may intuitively know that there is someone else is in the room with you. Do not be alarmed, your Guide is now present and brings only feelings of love and peace.

Some people may experience other sensations like tingling on a part of their body, like a hand or the head. You may experience a warming on your arms or hands. An itch or a sneeze are also all common signs your Guide is connecting with you. You may experience something totally different then what we have discussed. It will be gently and loving.

You also may see in your minds eye what your Spirit Guide looks like. Do not have any expectations here. Your Guide may show up in your mind’s eye in human form or like crystals, beams of light, water, minerals or a shape. They will show up how they feel you will be most comfortable to connect with them. Remember your Guide can change shape or form. So for months or years your Guide may be a rock and you know their energy feels masculine, then one day you connect again and your rock is now Jesus or another Ascended master. Spirit never ceases to surprise me with their amazing abilities and how respectful they truly are of us. Do not get down if you can not see anything in your minds eye. This takes some several times before they can.

Lastly, listen with your inner ear. When I say inner ear this means inside your mind. When your mind is quiet you may hear a friendly “Hi or Hello” or even your name. This is your Guide communicating with you. You many also ask a question out loud or mentally. You can listen with your inner ear or ask for signs or symbols in the physical world as your answer. Again after any question say “Thank you” to your Guide.
Now it’s time for the closing. You have spent your time connecting with your Spirit Guide and now you are ready to close it off. All you have to do is give thanks again. You can add a little gesture or cue so your Guide knows that this is your closing sign and you are all done for now. For example you could say “Thank you for this time we have spent together” you can add “Amen” to the end of it with a slight nod of your head or a crossing of your hands. You just want to keep the closing the same each time so your Guide knows it’s time to close your session down. It also shows respect to your Guide and yourself.

You can now open your eyes if they were closed. Sense how amazing you feel. I always suggest to go and have a glass of water to rehydrate. Working with energy can be dehydrating. Remaining hydrated also helps to connect with Spirit more easily. It is very normal to feel thirsty after any energy work and a bit tired.

So how did it go? I would love to hear about your experience whether you connect with your Guide or not. If you found you could not quite receive anything yet, don’t give up. This takes time and practice. You can keep repeating the 4 steps above each time you want to connect with your Spirit Guide.

Feel free to connect with me at if you have any questions or stories you want to share or leave a comment below.
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We are all blessed with Spirit Guides that surround and support us. Before birth with the help of our higher-self we help select a Spirit Guide based on the best fit that will help give us those silent nudges in the physical world.

Everyone has one Guide that sticks with them from before birth to the time of their passing. We all also have many different Guides throughout our life, and at times we have several at ones.

Some Guides may pop in and out depending on what goals and accomplishments you are striving for. Spirit Guides also come from varying levels of consciousness. You may connect with a very high vibrational Ascended Master like Jesus or one that is at a lower level of vibration but that is still a master in a specific subject.

Spirit Guides may manifest as people, columns of light, animal’s, crystal’s, stones or virtually anything. Whatever you are needing throughout your lifetime you will have the appropriate guide that will help you along the way.  I find they come in ways we are able to handle or feel most comfortable with.  I started out with a Guide named John and since he help along my way of learning and support I have openly welcomed Grace in the mix.  Grace is my main guide for channeling sessions.  I do have an animal guide and also work with Archangel Raphael for healing sessions or he shows up in channeling sessions sometimes as well.  It amazes me how they know what we need at times in our lives.  I am truly blessed to work with these guides so I can serve people like you to help you along your journey.

You can call upon these great masters for assistance at anytime you need them. For example many people worry about their basic needs like money and shelter. This is where you can call for assistance from Archangel Ariel (AHR-ee-el). Archangel Ariel is there to support you with guidance in these areas of your life. Remember when asking for guidance you must not tell Spirit how to fix the problem. This is where you need to be short, sweet and to the point and let it go. Spirit will find the best way to help, if you or the other person is truly wanting the help.

From Lorraine’s and my experience, Spirit Guides will never lead you astray or give directions to do anything unethical or that will harm you or others. Spirit also does not want to startle you. Guides are supportive and give advice that you can take or leave at the door. As humans we have control over any decisions we make so if subconsciousness we are not wanting something, your guide will not overrule your free will.

Looking to connect with your Spirit Guide? It is totally possible to connect with them even if you have no experience.  You may have meet them in a dream already or felt their nudges and not even known.  They are amazing with so much knowledge for us to gain and help us along the way.

In my next blog, I will be sharing 4 simple tips on how to prepare to connect with your Spirit Guide.  So excited!!

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I want to take you on a journey about how I started to Channel and why I love it so much!!!
I have been very intuitive from a very young age; I would lie in bed at night seeing different spirits in the hallway, at my bedroom door and in my bedroom. (Spirits at my door!!)
These events kept occurring but different spirits would show up. I will never forget one night a spirit that showed up beside my bed; it was HUGE, BROAD and full of amazing and breathtaking heavenly colours you just don’t see here on earth. It was frightening at the time, yet when I look back at it, it’s indescribable.
I also realized that at the same time I had a sense of knowing stuff that would happen, or conversations I thought I already had, only to find out I had never had these conversations. I thought to myself, “Is this for real or am I freaking nuts?”
It took a while, but after repeated occurrences I knew I had been given gifts to see spirit, aura and chakra colours, be highly intuitive, feel energy and I had a strong knowing that I would be able to help heal others with these gifts.
I was struggling with all this and thinking at the same time, how do I put this all together? What are these spirits trying to tell me? I was on overload. So what did I do? I ignored it! Great idea right? Ah, No! You wonder why it wasn’t a great idea. Because when something is your life’s purpose and you don’t follow it, things just don’t go your way. Life is not as easy. I found myself grumpy and unhappy. School, work and life in general were a chore. Don’t get me wrong. I still had fun and many amazing friends that I still have; I just knew deep down that who I was, was not really me.
Your life’s purpose always finds a way to knock at the door, once you’ve had a peek into it. During this time, I did see spirit still but not at much. I just tried to ignore it. Remember, there was no internet at the time. No fancy devices with massive amounts of information that we have today. I was a young, with experiences that no one else talked about.
Several years later, I was at an engagement in Church. I was standing up and from nowhere I felt a hand touch my shoulder. I looked and no one was there. My intuition told me that it was my Grandpa who had passed years prior. It was as if because I realized what had happened and I accepted it, BAM! From that moment on everything started happening so fast again with spirit showing up, more and more often.
There was no ignoring it this time. I had to get it all off my chest and start looking for more information and answers. I was old enough that I had a close relationship with my Aunt and my Grandma. I decided to tell them about it. Amazingly enough, my Grandma and Aunt told me stories of relatives that were quite intuitive and others that read Tarot cards. They were always so supportive of my experiences and gave me advice on what to read or different psychic fairs that were available.
I started my true journey 17 years ago and it still continues.
I finished high school, college and worked in health care for several years. I also added reflexology, heated stone massage, therapeutic touch and chakra education schooling into the mix. I got married and started a family. Then the big push from spirit grew even stronger during my child bearing years. I decided to try to put the pieces together. I attended several psychic fairs and had readings. It was a place where I could get a reading, ask questions and get answers. It helped me move forth in learning. I borrowed many books from the library to aid in my study. I even wrote Sylvia Brown via the internet and I did receive guidance from her staff. I was on a roll and studied as much as I could.
I met so many people along the way; some with similar stories and others that practiced different modalities. It was at this point I met Lorraine – we bumped into each other in different training sessions throughout that year. This is where our journey of working together and becoming great friends started. This is also when I knew; THIS is my purpose.
Over the past few years I have worked really hard on how to receive guidance from spirit. I had several different teachers that taught me how to truly hone my own style. That’s exactly what I have done. I found my style and put the remaining pieces of the puzzle together. I can effectively communicate with spirit, passed loved ones, do past life readings, travel to different spirit realms, work with Archangels, spirit guides, animal totems and help clear energy blocks and fears. It has been an incredible journey. And yes, I still have spirits show up at night but now I accept them and I know now how to turn off my spirit switch for a good night’s sleep.
Once I opened up to other family and friends about the gifts I’ve been blessed with, it was like a ton of blocks had fully lifted off my chest! Well almost. My next step was starting another puzzle; getting on the road to getting out there and helping others. That’s just what I did. What an amazing gift for me to be able to channel the spirit realm to help others get answers and clarification to questions. To help people with closure of passed loved ones and pets.
People also come to me feeling off: with a chakra balance or channeling, I can help people overcome lifelong hurdles, fears and blockages. I use channeling and/or intuition in all my services that I offer; and the outcome of each modality is so much more effective, the way I see it. It shows in happy clients at the end of each session. It’s an amazing feeling for me to be able to give what body, mind and spirit truly needed. Guidance and Love using my healing services to serve you.
I’d love to hear from you if you have any questions or similar experiences. Email me at
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In a previous blog I explained what a Chakra is. Now I will take you on an in-depth explanation on what is all involved in each of the 7 major Chakras.

So we know that a Chakra is an energy vortex that whirls in a circular motion. We have 7 Chakras that start at the very bottom of our spine and go to the top of our head. Chakras are like sponges and can absorb our environment around us which is why it is vital to have your Chakras balanced occasionally. It is for overall benefit to our health and vitality.

So we will start from the bottom and move upwards as this is how a Chakra Balance and any work on the Chakra System usually begins.

FIRST CHAKRA – ROOT CHAKRA (Red) – Sanskrit name “Muladhara” meaning “Root or Support”. This Chakra is located at the base of the spine and relates to the material and physical world as well as our survival needs. It is also associated with the element of the Earth. In Astrology it is associated with Capricorn and the planet Earth.

If your Root Chakra is blocked, you may have the feeling of not being balanced or grounded and may be worried and anxious. You may also feel very separate from everyone, as if you do not belong. You may also feel you don’t have enough. You may move a lot and have lack of commitment. You may also have a strong attitude of not having enough towards, money, and security.

Physical issues that may arise from a blocked Root Chakra are issues with your kidneys, spinal column, adrenal glands and lower bowels.

SECOND CHAKRA – SACRAL CHAKRA (Orange) – Sanskrit name “Svadhisthana” meaning “Sweetness”. This Chakra is located just below the naval and related to our sexual and reproductive system. It is also associated with the element of water. In Astrology it is associated with Cancer and Scorpio and the planet Pluto.

If your Sacral Chakra is blocked, you may feel burned out, aggressive, angry, and come across as overpowering to others. You may need drugs or prescriptions to relax. You may have intimacy and trust issues, sexual issues, or feel violated or abandoned.

Physical issues that may arise from a blocked Sacral Chakra are issues with your lower back, bladder, kidneys, sexual organs, prostate, reproductive organs, allergies, skin disorders and digestive problems.

THIRD CHAKRA – SOLAR PLEXUS (Yellow) – Sanskrit name “Manipura” meaning “Lustrous Gem”. This Chakra is located between the sternum bone and the navel and related to personal power. It is also associated with the element of Fire. In Astrology it is associated with Leo and the planets Mars and the Sun.

If your Solar Plexus Chakra is blocked, you may feel fear, anger, guilt, resentment and blame due to lack of will power. This is the Chakra of personal power and self-esteem. It is associated with the strength to make decisions and not worry about what others’ opinions are. If this Chakra is blocked there are usually other Chakras that need balanced as well.

Physical issues that may arise from a blocked Solar Plexus Chakra could be associated with your gall bladder, stomach disorders, liver, spleen and nervous system. Too much weight in the mid-section is another indication of a blocked Third Chakra.

FOURTH CHAKRA – HEART CHAKRA (Emerald Green) – Sanskrit name “Anahata” meaning “Unstruck”. This Chakra is located at the center of the chest and is related to healing and love. It is also associated with the element of Ether. In Astrology it is associated with Gemini, Virgo and the planet Mercury.

If your Heart chakra is blocked, you may not love yourself, you may feel jealous or feel hurt. You may be low on energy, paranoid, fearful and have a temper or tantrums.

Physical issues that may arise from a blocked Heart Chakra are problems with your circulatory system, lungs, blood, heart, chest, middle of your back, asthma and emotional instability.

FIFTH CHAKRA – THROAT CHAKRA (Sky Blue) – Sanskrit name “Vishuddha” meaning “Purification”. This Chakra is located around the Adam’s apple area on your neck or throat and is related to self-expression and communication. It is also associated with the element of Ether. In astrology it is associated with with Gemini, Virgo and the planet Mercury.

If your Throat Chakra is blocked you may find it hard to communicate with yourself or others; it’s like having “no backbone” as we say it. You may not follow your intuition, so when you know something is right you listen to others.

Physical issues that may arise from a blocked Throat Chakra are your thyroid/ parathyroid gland, sinuses, shoulders, chin, mouth, throat, lungs, ears and issues with your voice.

SIXTH CHAKRA – BROW OR 3RD EYE CHAKRA (Indigo/blue) – Sanskrit name “Ajna” meaning “To Perceive”. This Chakra is located between the eyebrows and is related to wisdom and intuition. It is also associated with the element of Light. In Astrology it is associated with Sagittarius, Pisces and the planets Neptune and Jupiter.

If your Brow or 3rd Eye Chakra is blocked you may be undisciplined or an underachiever that is afraid of success. You may feel paranoid and unable to focus. You may seem overpowering to others. You may live in an unclear and unfocused world or fantasy world.

Physical issues that may arise from a blocked or closed Brow/3rd Eye Chakra are headaches, issues with your nose, sinuses, lower brain, mental illness, brain tumors, cancer, vision problems, hypothalamus gland, pituitary and central nervous system.

SEVENTH CHAKRA – CROWN CHAKRA (Violet/White) – Sanskrit name “Sahasrara” meaning “Thousandfold”. This Chakra is located at the top of the head and related to spirituality and being able to connect with the higher planes of consciousness. It is also associated with the element of Thought. In Astrology it is associated with Aquarius and the planet Uranus.

If your Crown Chakra is closed you will reject spirituality and fail to have any meaning beyond this physical world. You may feel lonely and as if you lead a meaningless life. Some people have learning difficulties and have no passion for life. They have nightmares and memory disorders and are depressed. They may possess rigid belief systems and can be very destructive.

Physical issues that may arise from a blocked Crown Chakra are cancers, depression, pineal gland and brain problems.

Now that you have the basic understanding of the several functions and roles of your Chakra System and how they play out on your physical life, it may help decrease or eliminate some physical symptoms and issues you may be experiencing by having a regular Chakra Balancing. Remember you mind and subconscious mind play a role in any forms or healing big or small. You can complement this service with your traditional health care practices. It is also important to know that these are my personal and individual beliefs on how to keep your physical body and mind in sync with each other. I am not a Doctor and will not treat or diagnosis illness nor prescribe any medication or medical testing. This is a complementary care service to help aid in the natural healing process of your body.

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The Chakra system is viewed as the energetic map of the body. It is where we can shift our energy to re-energize, balance and bring peace to help eliminate stress and disease.

Ancient Hindu Texts (1,500-500 B.C) showed knowledge of the Chakras written in the Vedas. The Vedas are the largest, oldest written traditions of text in India constructed by the upper Caste Brahmins. The name Chakra derives for the Sanskrit word “Wheel or Turning”. The Chakra system was perceived as a column of energy vortexes that start at the bottom of the spine and move up to the crown of the head. This is what makes up the 7 major Chakras. Each Chakra vibrates and spins at its own frequency and absorbs energy from the environment around them. For this reason it’s vital to have your Chakras balanced as other peoples energy from emotions, baggage or really anything can stick to you and make you feel sluggish and unbalanced causing illness that eventually can become a disease.

The location of each Chakra (energy center) corresponds to an area of the body’s anatomy and each is associated with a different colour. Starting at the bottom of the 7 chakras you have the Root Chakra (Red, Earth), Sacral Chakra (Orange, Water), Solar Plexus (Yellow, Fire), Heart chakra (Green, Air), Throat Chakra (Light Blue, Ether), Third Eye (Indigo) and Crown Chakra (Violet or White).

Each chakra also has its own Sanskrit name. Muladhara, Svadhisthana, Manipura, Anahata, Vishuddha, Ajna, Sahaswara. Chakra is a Sanskrit* name for wheel.

By tapping into someone’s Chakra system many blockages, stresses and health issues can present themselves. With the help of a Chakra Balance, a practitioner can help bring forth these issues and it may help you resolve them. Doing this will help with the vitality of your overall health and reduce stress to the body and mind.

*Google Dictionary: /san,skrit/

An Ancient Indic language of India, in which the Hindu scriptures and classical Indian epic poems are written and form which many northern Indian languages are derived.

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Intuitive is an adjective, so you may be wondering why we use it as a noun and label ourselves Intuitive. After all, everyone on the planet is intuitive to some extent so choosing this word to define ourselves may seem odd. You may be thinking, “Why not use Psychic, Medium or Clairvoyant as a title instead? Isn’t that what most people in your field use?” It’s true; many practitioners in our field do use these titles. Here is why we chose Intuitive.

Psychic is a term first introduced into the English language in 1870 by Edward William Cox (thank you Wikipedia!). Since it is a relatively new word in our language, people first used it to cover a number of energetic abilities. More often than not, the word psychic relates to people who read someone’s energy field to answer questions about the person’s current or future state. This is where the phrase “get a reading/have a reading done” comes from. My colleague Karen and I do not read our clients’ energy. We connect with Spirit to pass on messages from that realm to our clients. We are simply the messengers to whatever Spirit wants to share with our clients during our sessions. Even when we conduct a Chakra Balance (balancing your 7 major energy fields), we are not reading your energy. We connect with our guides and they show us the state of your energy fields and, through us, our guides cleanse and balance your fields. We are simply the conduits.

Most of us associate the term Medium with someone who channels people who have passed on, usually loved ones, to pass on messages from them. Who hasn’t heard of the Long Island Medium? Some Mediums use a method called Trance Mediumship: they have the spirit of their client’s loved one enter their own body [fusion_builder_container hundred_percent=”yes” overflow=”visible”][fusion_builder_row][fusion_builder_column type=”1_1″ background_position=”left top” background_color=”” border_size=”” border_color=”” border_style=”solid” spacing=”yes” background_image=”” background_repeat=”no-repeat” padding=”” margin_top=”0px” margin_bottom=”0px” class=”” id=”” animation_type=”” animation_speed=”0.3″ animation_direction=”left” hide_on_mobile=”no” center_content=”no” min_height=”none”][the medium’s body, not the client’s ;)] and speak in the loved one’s voice and use their gestures. Straight Mediumship, not Trance Mediumship, is one aspect of our gift, and a service we offer, however, it is not the only ability we have so we decided this term didn’t quite fit us.

A Clairvoyant is someone who has the ability to see images or visions about a client’s past, present and/or future, whether by reading his or her energy or by channeling Spirit. When Karen and I channel Spirit, we do receive messages in images and pictures, so we are Clairvoyant. However, we also receive messages through our other senses. We both also hear messages, so we are Clairaudient; feel physical sensations, making us Clairsentient, receive smells, making us Clairalient and we have innate knowing, making us Claircognizant. Clairvoyant, Clairaudient, Clairsentient, Clairalient and Claircognizant is rather a mouthful and C5 didn’t seem like an appropriate handle.

Karen and I were both initially trained in energy work through the development of our intuition so Intuitive as a title seemed appropriate. Intuitive is also a term that can cover a lot of abilities and is a word that is relatable to most people. Everyone has moments where his or her intuition kicks in. Think about it. Haven’t you had a time when a former colleague or distant relative suddenly pops into your mind out of nowhere and then a few days later you hear from that person? Or what about when you are struggling with a decision, and suddenly the answer appears on someone’s bumper sticker or the song on the radio just as you are wrestling with the decision. You chalk it up to coincidence but it is really Spirit giving you knowledge through your intuition. Take a moment right now and think about a time when something like this has happened to you.

Finally, I find a lot of people recently are talking about using their intuition or being intuitive. Have you noticed this? I even read something recently that quoted Prince Charles saying “I have tried never to force a plan or design, but to wait for an ‘intuitive’ idea to form itself when the time is right.” (Extracted from Highgrove: A Garden Celebrated by HRH The Prince of Wales and Bunny Guinness). It fits with our times.

So there you have it. We would love it if you shared some experiences you’ve had with intuition. Leave a comment below or share one FaceBook or Twitter.

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