Then you don’t have to.

While it is never certain which spirits are going to show up in a channeling session, you do have some control.

If there is a spirit you don’t wish to speak with – a passed family member, friend or acquaintance – and they show up, you can ask them to leave.

I was visiting one of my sisters shortly after my Dad passed and he came to me wanting to speak to my sister. (He makes me sneeze rather violently and also makes my inner left eye itchy so he is hard to ignore). I let my sister know he wanted to speak with her but she was at a stage in her grief that she wasn’t ready to hear from him. I asked him to go and come back at a time when she was ready. He respected that and left (and thankfully stopped making me sneeze and my eye itch!).

But try not to place limits on your session.

Some people are afraid that a specific spirit that they know is going to say something that will upset them. This is why they don’t want to hear from them.

However, a specific spirit will come through because they have something to say that will help you. They may want to ask for forgiveness. They may want to tell you that there is nothing to feel guilty about. They may just want to tell you they love you. They just want to help you.

Don’t let fear hold you back.

You need that message. If you aren’t ready to hear it at the time, then you can ask them not to come through. But know that somehow and at some point they are going to get that message to you.

The longer you put it off, the more your fear will build. It is sometimes better to face things as they arise. Spirit isn’t coming back to reprimand you for something. They are coming back to give you messages of love, hope and guidance.

Keep an open mind and open heart and reap the benefits of loving guidance from Spirit.

We all have been through the loss of a loved one.

Everyone experiences loss in many different ways. But in the end, we know that what we want most is for our loved one to back here on earth with us.

So what if I told you, that you are able to connect with your passed loved one even after they have passed?

Or, receive special messages and signs from them?

How would you feel, if you could open yourself up to these wondrous gifts from above?

I am here to pass on guidance so you now can recognize that you are connecting with your loved ones.

Sometimes after the loss of a loved one we fail to see the gifts and messages they try to leave behind.

I feel we need to give thanks first for all the gifts they have already given us on while still on earth.

Then, we need to be open to receive their messages, signs and gifts they have to offer us from the other side.

Let’s dig in and see if you have had any of these thing happen to you.

After a loved one has passed, does a thought or a strong memory pass your mind and put a smile on your face? Or, you feel the love as if they were still here?

Know that this is a clear sign that spirit is and has connected with you.

Another way you may connect with a passed loved one is by feeling a cool breeze out of the blue.

You may even notice a drop in room temperature. Or it may feel more like a slight wind or coolness that goes past your face or body. You may get a chill or the goose bumps. Just remember to smile and think of the good old times with that loved one. I’m sure they will be smiling from the other side right back at you!

Have you have found a re-occurrence of coins (pennies, nickles, dimes etc.) in the oddest places? Or everywhere you go? On walks, vehicles, middle of the floor or on a couch?

Yes, I know sometimes people lose money here and there. But when you keep finding the same coins all over the place, you may have a sudden thought of a passed loved one. This is a very clear connection that your loved one is connecting with you and you have connected with them.

These are a few very simple signs that you are connecting with passed loved ones and they are showing that they are watching over you. What an amazing feeling it is to still have that connection with them. It’s just in a different way they can connect with you now.

Have you experienced any of these connections? Or do you have a story to tell? I would love to hear how you and your loved ones connect.

Email me ( and maybe your story will be included in one of our newsletters. Sign up here for your monthly newsletter and spirit messages (Scroll to the bottom of the page.  It’s on the right).

No, not at all.

You don’t have to be religious to connect with your Spirit Guide, Ascended Masters, Angels or any form of Spirit.

Spirit doesn’t see creed, colour, sex or sexual orientation.

Spirit sees beyond all these earthly trappings and sees only our true selves – our spirit and the light we are in the world. It doesn’t matter what you believe, or look like. Spirit wants to connect with each and every one of us to love and guide us.

Why do Guides that are tied to certain religions appear then?

While religious figures like Jesus, Mary, Vishnu, or Buddha, do show up as Guides or to relay messages, they don’t come with religious intent. They come to bring you support and guidance in the area they are most known for. Guides take on forms that match our needs. (Read about why Guides take particular forms).

For example, Mary is most known for being a Mother. When she shows up for someone it is usually for one of two reasons. One is, that person has a mothering/nurturing bent and Mary is there to help with that. The other is, that person needs a Mother figure in his/her own life and Mary has come to be that figure.

Can I be religious and connect with Spirit?

Yes, most definitely! The majority of faiths are rooted in connections with Spirit. Most religions believe in angels that serve as messengers or intermediaries for God. (Read more on this)

Anyone can connect with Spirit. Spirit is here to love and guide us all.

Metatron, Buddah, Jesus and Chiron. What do these well respected Spiritual icons have in common?

They are only a select few of thousands of Ascended Masters.

We have all heard the word Ascended Master, but do we really know what they are and how they became an Ascended Master?

Ascended Masters are believed to be Spiritual beings of light, who in past incarnations were human beings. During their time on earth and in between incarnations they have undergone intense spiritual learning to raise their vibration and consciousness.  This was all done at free will and part of their transformations called “initiations”. Initiations are different levels they reach. There are nine different levels. It’s almost like grades for school. Depending on the level depends on which dimension and teaching they have to offer or gain more knowledge.

Ascended Masters are not the same as Spirit Guides. Spirit Guides can incarnate back to earth; yet still are a high, pure, sacred being of light. As for the Masters, this was part of their process but once undergoing their initiations and hitting enlightenment at level 4, they no longer incarnate.

There are so many Ascended Masters, some names we may recognize and others we may not. Some are even looked at being mystical.

Ascended Masters can be called upon at any time for guidance and wisdom. Yes, that’s right. Ascended Masters can be channeled and may appear at different times in our lives to help us with teachings and guidance.  Yes, you can gain ancient wisdom and knowledge from the Masters!!

So, why would we want to call an Ascended Master to help out?

Each Master has certain qualities, abilities or specialties, if you may. So there are certain Masters that may be of assistance at specific times or in different areas in your life.  May it be healing, learning or deep wisdom.

Let’s take a look at a few Ascended Masters.

Ganesh is a healing cosmic master. He is known as the remover of obstacles and associated with learning and knowledge. Ganesh resembles an elephant with several hands. He is quite mystical in appearance. He may be called upon to help with obstacles you may be experiencing or when you have taken on a path to learn and gain knowledge.

Metatron is the highest of Angel’s and holds immense power; He works closest to God. The power and strength that comes from him gives the impression of being immovable and  strong ……yet his love and strength moves all. He is not one to work lightly with. He is one that works off the energy of God.

Archangel Raphael is another one that is well known. He is known for his overall healing abilities. I connect on a regular basis with Archangel Raphael for healing during Channeling and Chakra Balancing sessions. He is very loving and gets right to the point.

So when in need, feel free to call upon an Ascended Master that you are open and willing to work faithfully with. Remember to respect them and always give thanks for their guidance and wisdom they have to offer you. Maybe one day your name will be added to the Ascended list!!

Come on, give us a like on Facebook.  The Masters will thank you;)

A very good question. One that we, as connected as we are to our Spirit Guides and followers of their direction are, struggle with occasionally. These are the three main things we’ve learned and hope that it helps you.

1. You are being given a lesson.

We all have lessons to learn while we live our lives. Not the ones we learn in school or at home – like math or cooking. Life lessons. How to be patient. How to overcome adversity. How to forgive. How to be humble.

Learning these lessons is part of your purpose in this life. They are given to you so that you grow; not only in this life but to move your forward in your next life as well.

Sometimes it feels like the lesson is never-ending. We wonder “Why?” And we ask for it to end. When it doesn’t end when we want, we doubt that we are being guided. This is not so. We are being guided. The lesson seems to be never-ending because we aren’t listening. We aren’t learning. Our egos have gotten in the way.

2. Your Ego has taken over.

It is a failing we all have. We believe we deserve certain things in life. We believe we know what is best for ourselves. So we stop listening to our guides and try to control outcomes. This never works in our favour and life gets painful.

For example, I disliked my job. I believed if I got further ahead, reached a certain professional standing and made more money, I would be happy. I worked hard and achieved those goals but happiness didn’t follow. I came to hate my career. As I moved up, I got sicker and sicker. My allergies worsened, my food sensitivities sky-rocketed. It got to a point where there were only about 10 foods I could eat. I wasn’t listening to my Guides. I was trying to force myself into a life that I thought was best for me. When I finally got tired of living this way and opened myself up to the idea that I was meant to do something else, my life changed. I allowed myself to realize that I didn’t know what was best. I opened myself up to the guidance that Spirit offered me and I followed it. I found my purpose and passion and I live it. And my health has improved dramatically. Now, there is nothing I can’t eat.

Our guides have the whole picture – we don’t. They know what is best for us. When we tune them out, and pursue a path based on ego, we pay the price.

3. It is someone else’s path.

You’ve lost a loved one. Or you are witnessing the suffering of a loved one and can’t help them. It hurts. But while it hurts, it isn’t always about your hurt, or your fear, or your frustration. It is about what that person has to learn in this life. That person had to pass at that point as it was his/her journey to do so. That person has to suffer physical or mental illness or harm because he/she is being given a lesson.

It doesn’t seem fair or just. However, there is always a light that comes out of it. It can lead to hope, strength, compassion, leadership, awareness or, as in death, the end of suffering. This is where Spirit Guides lead these loved ones – to light, learning and renewal.

Remember that this is his/her journey to enlightenment – and yours too. We have to remember that in every lesson, every misstep taken by our egos and pain that comes with our loved ones’ journeys, we are being led to light, peace and love.

There are many reasons why adults have channeling sessions.

Some want closure from a passed loved one. Others want to gain more insight about which direction they should move in. Let’s not forget about romance and the financials.

Whatever it may be, people are just looking for more guidance and balance in their life.

So why can’t kids have the same?

Many kids go through tough times and are looking for guidance that is not from a family member or friend. Or they may not even understand that they need guidance or that it is available for them. In this case the parent or guardian would notice the child is unsettled or having troubles in certain area of their life. This is when the adult would approach the child and give them options. So many adults just let the kids be and think that they will “grow” out it. This is not so in so many cases.

Also remember that kids are so open and loving they think it’s great to receive a message from spirit or loved ones.

Now, don’t get me wrong. I have channeled for children before and some are not sure of the whole spirit thing. So the session is done differently. Let me give you an example of one of my past sessions with a child and the parent has given permission to share this.

Case one:
A young child (7 Years old) is not sure why she feels the way she does and her Mom has some questions. Now this family is open to spirit and the Mom has spoken to the child about how this could help. This child is open to sitting and listening to the session with Mom beside her. The child is allowed to colour and listen in and out of the session and answer questions that may arise. So I would start my session and pass the message on from my spirit guide to the child and Mom. It is done with love and ease to accommodate the child’s style it is delivered in.

The session was not recorded but Mom took notes to help.

Conclusion: The child was feeling the loss of a loved one and around the anniversary of the passing she would feel out of sort. This was brought to their attention so they could deal with it and do little things to remember this loved one. These were hidden emotions that could not be uncovered and originally affected her schooling and sleep.

Case two:

The child is either too young or does not want to really think there is spirit passing on messages.

In this case, I would connect to spirit and get permission to do a session first with the child’s guide and soul. If all was a go, the child could play or watch TV or read. They can do whatever they wanted to keep them distracted. But I find most are curious and listen in and out of the session.

I would sit with the child’s parent or guardian and pass the messages on to them. They would then take into account what is being passed on and how they could help and apply it to that child.

Sessions with children can be very emotional. It’s amazing to see a release when kids come in the room with me. It’s an amazing experience and I am truly blessed that some parents realize that this route can help them out so much on so many different levels.

Kids respond well to these sessions and the outcomes. Many parents email me back stating the change and difference seen in their child. They report kids feel more secure, confident and it helps tackle issues they may be experiencing. This could be anywhere from emotional outbursts to lack of concentration or lack of sleep.

People with Autism and or individuals that are non-verbal have benefited from Channeling and Chakra Balancing session as well. It gets them to relax and for the non-verbal, I am able to communicate telepathically and have a conversation with them. This helps give them a voice and feel heard. There are many different child and adult disabilities that can benefit from this type of work.

When working with kids I have noticed that my guides set goals for parents to help their children with. It’s amazing how the kids respond to these with excitement. Kids truly jump right in and take action. It’s like they know that this is the best for them and will help them. Never underestimate a child. They are usually thinking a few thoughts and are a few steps ahead of us!!

I find that we really need to listen to our younger generation. They are wise beyond means and could teach us a lesson or two and help us grow.

One of my clients asked me this recently and it stumped me. I didn’t know how to answer. I had never really thought our Spirit Guides in terms of being angels. And yet I’ve explained to clients that some people refer to Spirit Guides as Guardian Angels.

So I went to the source and asked.

My Spirit Guide Stephen explained it this way.

“Yes, we are angels but not always in the form people typically think of angels being. We take on shapes/bodies, characteristics of people, animals or things that will have meaning for the person we are guiding. People think of angels in heavenly robes with wings – and we can appear that way, too, but not always. We aren’t like the heavenly masters Archangel Raphael or Archangel Gabriel and the other Ascended Masters. They have a specific universal purpose for all. For example, Archangel Raphael’s main purpose is for healing and Gabriel’s is for care of children. We as Spirit Guides have a specific purpose too, but for individuals rather than the universe. That’s not to say either that the Archangels can’t be a person’s Spirit Guide. They can do that, too.”

So there you have it. A glimpse into the spiritual realm. Karen will explore in more depth the different types of angels in coming blogs but for now, Spirit Guides or Guardian Angels or whatever you call them – angels here to help us.

Do you ever wonder how some kids just seem to know it all?

Or they seem so wise for their age?

They say something and it sounds like they could be giving you advice. Then they do something and it makes you wonder, how they knew how to do something like that or figure it out.

We are all built with intuition. It is in us the second we are born. It all depends on who continues to use their intuition. And sometimes us as parents can shift our child’s way of thinking and change their train of thought.

It’s not that we do this on purpose or have any intention in doing so. But it’s almost like we are telling them what to think and what to do.

We are at times very over protective and we always want the best for our children. But we don’t realize that we are instilling our thoughts and thinking patterns into them.

This leaves our kids relying on us to think for them. During this process our kids then lose out on their own intuition. When they no longer use their intuition other issues may arise.

Self-esteems and confidence are big ones that go with it. I have taught workshops and have worked with many kids on building up their intuition again. When I can help them build their intuition again, they will regain their self-esteem and confidence back. They feel good about the decisions they make not just at school and home. But they make wiser decisions when with friends and are out on their own. They are more confident to say “NO” and trust if they are in a bad situation, so they can leave to get out of it.

What parent does not want their child to feel confident in decisions they make? Or stand up for themselves and make better choices, may it be a school, with friends or for themselves.
It also shows in school and on sports teams. Do you see your kids hesitate on answering or asking questions? Or filling out work for school or deciding on what or how a project will look.

What about in sports. Do you see them hesitate on where to go or what their next move is?

This is all because they are seconding guessing their first though which, was their intuition. This process should be natural and they should just go with that first thought and know it was the best decision for them. But in today’s society everyone is trying to tell everyone else what to do and how to think. Why can’t we just speak for ourselves using our intuition?

After all our intuition comes from a place of purity, love and peace. It helps us in our journey to become better people. The obstacles only make us better. And in the end it sets our children up for a brighter future in being a leader and not a follower.

#leader #Confidence #sports #leader

Everyone who connects with Spirit experiences it in her/his own unique way with some sensations being universal. For me, it feels like this.


I always have tingles on my left arm from my Stephen, my Spirit Guide. Occasionally, these become so intense, my arm feels like it is on fire. Stephen does this when he wants to emphasize a particular message he is giving.

Sometimes the top of my head tingles during a session. For me, this indicates a download of information from another Spirit that I need to pay attention to.


When I am connecting with spirits of people who have passed, the temperature will often drop making me feel cool or cold. This is a fairly common sensation for most.

If you aren’t someone who channels Spirit, but feel you have a passed love one around you, this change in temperature is good indicator that they are there.


As strange as that sounds, when I am channeling, Stephen will often make my nose, and sometimes my cheekbones, itch. This is a signal to me to widen my field of vision to see a bigger image that he wants to give. It’s pretty funny to watch 😉


I will often sneeze during a session when another spirit, a guide or passed loved one, wants to come in and give a message. At times, I can catch the tingle in the nose before I sneeze. Which is helpful because when a sneeze comes out of nowhere it can be a bit startling!


Yes, unfortunately there are occasions when I experience uncomfortable sensations when I am channeling. Back pain. Hip pain. Grief. Nausea. These sensations either mimic what a client is experiencing or are a result of leftover energy imprints. Spirit has me experience these sensations so I can convey the messages that explain them.

Joyous. Loving. Comforting.

Thankfully, Spirit gives these sensations more often than the uncomfortable ones. They are physical sensations and feel really good!

Do you have a hard time making decisions and trusting in your gut or intuition?

Well this can help you with simple decisions and learn to trust your intuition again.

It’s called a pendulum. It usually looks like a string or a chain that has a crystal or an object handing from the bottom of it. Sometimes there is also a small bead, loop or crystal on the top where you can hold it.

So what is a pendulum used for?

Many use it to gain insight to certain Yes, No questions they may have. As when using a pendulum you are quieting your mind and letting your higher self and spirit answer the question from a place of peace and pure love.

If you are distraught or not in a good place then it would not be best to use this method, as your intentions will not be aligned with a positive truthful outcome.

When your intent is good and clear you can try using a pendulum for simple Yes, No questions. The more experienced you get with it, you can then do more advanced questions.

You can make your own pendulums as well. A simple string or chain with a ring on the bottom or a rock tied in. You can use anything you want. Go out in nature and make one.

To hold the pendulum you hold the top usually in your receiving hand between your thumb and third finger. If this is not possible then use what is comfortable.

Now that you have your pendulum you need to find out how it will swing for you when you ask questions. Because there is only a Yes and No answers this will be your first question.

With the pendulum between your fingers and hanging still, concentrate on how the pendulum will show you your yes swing. Be patient. You can say out loud or mentally. Please show me my Yes swing.

Once you have found your Yes swing, now find your No swing and then your undecided swing. But usually when you know your Yes and No, the last way is your undecided.

Why an undecided answer. Well sometimes there are things that we just do not need to find out or know at this point in your life. So you will not get an answer.

Now, go have fun with your pendulums. Just do not abuse it or your Ego will pop in and it will not work.

Here are some starter questions you can use.

1. Is my name __________
2. Do I Live in _________________
3. Have I lived in a previous life time?
4. Should I make spaghetti for dinner?
Keep practicing with this. It is a great tool to have.

Remember to share this with your friends and family. It’s great for the whole family to try!

#pendulum #intuition #channel #higherself #Karengeorgekrysko