I have to admit this is an Archangel I wasn’t familiar with before I connected with him. He came in with such good humour – not the “haha” kind of humour but with jovialness.

I enjoyed his presence and hope you get a sense of it from his message:


Channeled words of wisdom and love from Archangel Sandalphon.  A must take 4 minute break from your day.

This message with help with your day and give you the energy to make it through.

Peace and Love to you all!



Archangel Gabriel is sharing his thoughts on creating in this blog. You might be surprised to learn that what you create, even something as simple as a sandwich, is art. Have a listen:

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Gives a whole new meaning to what we put forth, doesn’t it? To all you artists out there, thank you!

Please feel free to share this blog with anyone who would enjoy it. We appreciate you taking the time to tune in.[/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]

We bring you Archangel Chamuel to Channeled Wisdom’s Blog.

He comes through this blog full of kindness, love and happiness.  He brings you all a message of how he can be of service and guides you how to do so.

Take a listen on how you can receive his guidance and love.

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Thank you Archangel Chamuel[/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]

Coming to you this blog is Archangel Ariel, formally introduced by my (Lorraine) Spirit Guide Stephen.

Not only do those two make a good team, but you and Archangel Ariel can, too. He’s ready and willing to help you achieve your goals. Have a listen!

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I love that he works on a couple of levels for us. Very special indeed![/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]

Welcome Archangel Metatron.

A wonderful, strong, loving energy.  Call upon Archangel Metatron to help clear any blockages and bring back balance and peace.

Or are you needing guidance as an adult or child?  Archangel Metatron will help in all areas in learning and adjusting to new scenery and situations.

He will help you gain knowledge and wisdom from different realms. Take his hand on a journey like never before.  Listen here to what he has to offer.

This blog I’m channeling Archangel Uriel. It was my first encounter with him. He has a lovely energy about him. Very kind, gentle and comforting.

Archangel Uriel’s message is a profound one for us all. And he brought some friends along to join him.

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If you enjoy hearing messages from the Archangels as well as Spirit Guides, follow our upcoming blogs as we will continue to channel the Archangels. You can also receive a free monthly channeled message from one of our guides by signing up for our newsletter at the bottom of this page.

Thanks for listening![/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]

I would like to introduce you to one of the many Archangels I have been blessed to work with.

I have had a very special connection with Archangels since childhood.  So many of them have helped me through the toughest times in my life and now I’m blessed to work side by side with them.  I am so excited to channel these amazing energies through out the next few months and pass their messages on to you.

Today I will be channeling Archangel Raphael.

Let’s get to it!!  Welcome Archangel Raphael!!

Thank you for your message Archangel Raphael.

Karen introduced the Archangels in her last blog.

We thought we would let them speak for themselves.

Archangel Michael gets to go first.

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If you have ever connected with Spirit, you know that when you are in the presence of an Archangel/Angel the energy can be very overwhelming.

There are several different Archangels than many people call upon to help them when in need.  Don’t get me wrong; you do not need to only call upon them for help.  You can use their wisdom for guidance, protection or even just “to be” in the presence of their magnificent love and power.

Archangels are of the highest of angels and are well respected.  They carry immense power, wisdom, and love.  They can heal all.  If you notice the word Angel and Archangel both end in an “EL” suffix, meaning “IN GOD”.

Archangels do not wish to be worshiped.  They are messengers of God and they are here to help us along our journey and pass us messages and give us guidance.  But as I mentioned above, you can call upon them for many different situations in your life.

So what are the names of these amazing Archangels? And yes I will give a small note of their specialty.

Archangel Michael – Protection and finding your life’s purpose and fixing electronics.

Archangel Raphael – Healing

Archangel Uriel – Connecting with Spirit and problem solving.

Archangel Metatron – Prioritizing your life and different situations.  Keeping order and reaching goals.

Archangel Ariel – Helps you reach your goals or starting a new business/career and the prosperity to go with it.

Archangel Chamuel – Will help you find the right job for you.

Archangel Gabriel – Creative writing

Archangel Sandalphon – Helps people with careers in the arts, especially music.

Archangel Jophiel – Connecting with the earth and seeing all situations from a positive view point.

Archangel Azrael – Comfort when there is a loss of a loved one.

Archangel Haniel – Helps when you need to attend conferences, meetings or interviews.

Archangel Raziel – Owning and taking back who you are.

Archangel Raguel – Helps bring peace and calm to friendships and relationships.

Archangel Zadkiel – With your memory in all areas.  Especially for faces and names.

Archangel Jeremiel – Helps with newly crossed over souls and souls that are here that need to reevaluate their current life.

As you can see this is a brief explanation of some of the things these amazing energies can help us with.  They are all healing and will help you out in whichever way they can.

And if you have ever felt the spirit of an Archangel, you will know the divine love and powerful energy they bring.  They have unlimited time and energy and may be called upon at any time.  You just have to ask.

I have worked with Archangels for years.  They are part of my daily work and help during sessions for my clients.  It truly is an amazing gift to work with these beings of light.  Thank you to all the Archangels for blessing me with your presence and wisdom.

Remember if you invoke an Archangel, have clear intentions and then send them back love and thanks for their help and guidance they bestowed upon you.