Tag Archive for: heart

Do you feel you can give and receive love and kindness equally?  How much do you love yourself and others? 

Their qualities are all associated with your 4th chakra also known as your Heart /Anahata chakra.  It is located in the heart/centre area of your chest.  It is bright green in colour when balanced and is associated with your heart, lungs, mid-back and circulatory system.

How do I know if my Heart chakra is out of balance?

There are many ways to associate the physical elements and your heart chakra being out of balance.  A big one is how much do you love yourself?  Did you know that if you can’t accept and love yourself, you may find it hard to truly, fully love someone else?

Or do you have a hard time receiving from others but are always willing to give or vice-versa?  I’m sure just looking at that statement you can see the imbalance of it.  To have balance you need to be able to give and receive equally.  Now, this might not be the case to give and receive all at once.  But it eventually levels itself out.

You may also be feeling a lack of love from others, sad, hurt, betrayed or lonely.  These are also signs that your heart chakra may be out of balance.

What are some physical signs associated with the heart chakra?

Sometimes when we have physical hurdles they may be associated with an emotional attachment.  The heart chakra is associated with your mid-back, lungs, heart and circulatory system and it also influences the whole system and process of energy flow.  So when your health presents you with issues that connect to the heart chakra it may be due to an old attachment that you may be holding in your energy field on a subconscious level.


Bring Balance back and Move Your Life Forward.

Balance in the Heart Chakra really builds on connection, relationships, giving and receiving as it is the Chakra of Love. Using it’s meditation word YAM helps restore balance. Even the sound of it is powerful, no? Picturing a bright white, cleansing light entering it and cleansing it out and filling it up with emerald green will also help. Using a natural element like a stone to meditate on, sleep with/near, or carry around with you can also help. Spirit suggested Unakite to us as an aid for this Chakra because it is a great energy, healing and balancing properities.

If you feel you need more help in restoring balance to your 4th Chakra, an energy practitioner can also help you. We provide Chakra Balances led by our Spirit Guides who not only balance your Chakra energies but provide you insight as to why there might be an imbalance and how you can maintain balance in the future. To learn more about this service and the Heart Chakra stone, please visit our Chakra Balance page.

Do you have trouble loving yourself or others? What about forgiveness? Let me give you a sneak preview on how the heart chakra may be part of the culprit!

Many may know it is not so easy to love themselves or even love others. This is why I want to help you open up your heart chakra also known as your 4th chakra (Anahata). By balancing this chakra it will hopefully help you to start loving yourself and others and be more open to forgive.

Learning to love yourself and others plays a major factor for a happier, healthier life.
So where is this chakra located? The location of this chakra is actually so fitting. It is located in the middle of your chest with its energy emanating your physical heart.

It is very important to keep all of your chakras in balance but to love others, forgive yourself and others you need this chakra vortex to be radiant emerald green open and balanced. Let’s face it, we all want to be loved, but to love ourselves is so important to our overall health. We must love and accept ourselves before we can love and truly accept others.

When you can open up your heart chakra you may find life is that much easier, as you look at it with a different view. When you learn to forgive yourself, you emotionally let go of that baggage on the subconscious level. Also, to forgive others it will have the same ripple effect as forgiving yourself. Who does not want to feel light, happy and lessen their worries?

There is also that good old saying “think with your heart not your head”. I like to say “yes to this all the way”. When we think with our head our “ego” gets in the way and it is usually not a true meaningful thought or decision. Just because you think with your heart, does not mean you give in and are always going to be the nicest person ever. It just shows that you can think and react in the best interest for any person or yourself keeping your head/ego out of the way. This is a tough one for most. It’s just practice at slowing down and really thinking about the situations that you are in. You can do it. Just give it a try.

I would like to guide you on a short balancing session of your heart chakra to help you open up and re-balance it so you can start loving yourself and others. Lorraine and I also offer Chakra Balances, which touch on all of your Chakras.

But let’s start with just the heart chakra first.

I would like you to notice the way you feel now and then again at the end of the balancing. Just take a small note.

Let’s start by finding a comfortable spot. Next, try and still your mind.

Breathe in your nose and out your mouth. I want you to visualize the center of your chest where your heart chakra would be located. Take a look and visualize the colour. Is it green? Or does it have dark spots on it? Is it uniform? And take a look at the size of it. Is it big or small?

Now, I want you to picture a stream of white light coming from above that is going to come through the top of your head and down inside of the heart chakra and clean out all of the dark spots and imbalances. Keep using this white light until there is only sparking green light.

Now reshape it so it resembles a sphere or 3D disc and it is all uniform. You want to make sure that the size of it is not too big and not too small. Use your intuition and make it the size that you feel is right. There is no right or wrong here.

Now take a few deep breaths in and out. Just relax for a minute or two.

How do you feel? When you took that last breath did a smile come across your face? I would love to hear from you and any stories you may have about balancing and clearing your heart chakra. Or by doing this exercise daily, has it helped you with loving yourself and others. Have you found it is easier to let go of little stuff and forgive?

Leave a comment below about your experience. I love hearing from you!

Remember to Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter. Sending love from the Heart!

In a previous blog I explained what a Chakra is. Now I will take you on an in-depth explanation on what is all involved in each of the 7 major Chakras.

So we know that a Chakra is an energy vortex that whirls in a circular motion. We have 7 Chakras that start at the very bottom of our spine and go to the top of our head. Chakras are like sponges and can absorb our environment around us which is why it is vital to have your Chakras balanced occasionally. It is for overall benefit to our health and vitality.

So we will start from the bottom and move upwards as this is how a Chakra Balance and any work on the Chakra System usually begins.

FIRST CHAKRA – ROOT CHAKRA (Red) – Sanskrit name “Muladhara” meaning “Root or Support”. This Chakra is located at the base of the spine and relates to the material and physical world as well as our survival needs. It is also associated with the element of the Earth. In Astrology it is associated with Capricorn and the planet Earth.

If your Root Chakra is blocked, you may have the feeling of not being balanced or grounded and may be worried and anxious. You may also feel very separate from everyone, as if you do not belong. You may also feel you don’t have enough. You may move a lot and have lack of commitment. You may also have a strong attitude of not having enough towards, money, and security.

Physical issues that may arise from a blocked Root Chakra are issues with your kidneys, spinal column, adrenal glands and lower bowels.

SECOND CHAKRA – SACRAL CHAKRA (Orange) – Sanskrit name “Svadhisthana” meaning “Sweetness”. This Chakra is located just below the naval and related to our sexual and reproductive system. It is also associated with the element of water. In Astrology it is associated with Cancer and Scorpio and the planet Pluto.

If your Sacral Chakra is blocked, you may feel burned out, aggressive, angry, and come across as overpowering to others. You may need drugs or prescriptions to relax. You may have intimacy and trust issues, sexual issues, or feel violated or abandoned.

Physical issues that may arise from a blocked Sacral Chakra are issues with your lower back, bladder, kidneys, sexual organs, prostate, reproductive organs, allergies, skin disorders and digestive problems.

THIRD CHAKRA – SOLAR PLEXUS (Yellow) – Sanskrit name “Manipura” meaning “Lustrous Gem”. This Chakra is located between the sternum bone and the navel and related to personal power. It is also associated with the element of Fire. In Astrology it is associated with Leo and the planets Mars and the Sun.

If your Solar Plexus Chakra is blocked, you may feel fear, anger, guilt, resentment and blame due to lack of will power. This is the Chakra of personal power and self-esteem. It is associated with the strength to make decisions and not worry about what others’ opinions are. If this Chakra is blocked there are usually other Chakras that need balanced as well.

Physical issues that may arise from a blocked Solar Plexus Chakra could be associated with your gall bladder, stomach disorders, liver, spleen and nervous system. Too much weight in the mid-section is another indication of a blocked Third Chakra.

FOURTH CHAKRA – HEART CHAKRA (Emerald Green) – Sanskrit name “Anahata” meaning “Unstruck”. This Chakra is located at the center of the chest and is related to healing and love. It is also associated with the element of Ether. In Astrology it is associated with Gemini, Virgo and the planet Mercury.

If your Heart chakra is blocked, you may not love yourself, you may feel jealous or feel hurt. You may be low on energy, paranoid, fearful and have a temper or tantrums.

Physical issues that may arise from a blocked Heart Chakra are problems with your circulatory system, lungs, blood, heart, chest, middle of your back, asthma and emotional instability.

FIFTH CHAKRA – THROAT CHAKRA (Sky Blue) – Sanskrit name “Vishuddha” meaning “Purification”. This Chakra is located around the Adam’s apple area on your neck or throat and is related to self-expression and communication. It is also associated with the element of Ether. In astrology it is associated with with Gemini, Virgo and the planet Mercury.

If your Throat Chakra is blocked you may find it hard to communicate with yourself or others; it’s like having “no backbone” as we say it. You may not follow your intuition, so when you know something is right you listen to others.

Physical issues that may arise from a blocked Throat Chakra are your thyroid/ parathyroid gland, sinuses, shoulders, chin, mouth, throat, lungs, ears and issues with your voice.

SIXTH CHAKRA – BROW OR 3RD EYE CHAKRA (Indigo/blue) – Sanskrit name “Ajna” meaning “To Perceive”. This Chakra is located between the eyebrows and is related to wisdom and intuition. It is also associated with the element of Light. In Astrology it is associated with Sagittarius, Pisces and the planets Neptune and Jupiter.

If your Brow or 3rd Eye Chakra is blocked you may be undisciplined or an underachiever that is afraid of success. You may feel paranoid and unable to focus. You may seem overpowering to others. You may live in an unclear and unfocused world or fantasy world.

Physical issues that may arise from a blocked or closed Brow/3rd Eye Chakra are headaches, issues with your nose, sinuses, lower brain, mental illness, brain tumors, cancer, vision problems, hypothalamus gland, pituitary and central nervous system.

SEVENTH CHAKRA – CROWN CHAKRA (Violet/White) – Sanskrit name “Sahasrara” meaning “Thousandfold”. This Chakra is located at the top of the head and related to spirituality and being able to connect with the higher planes of consciousness. It is also associated with the element of Thought. In Astrology it is associated with Aquarius and the planet Uranus.

If your Crown Chakra is closed you will reject spirituality and fail to have any meaning beyond this physical world. You may feel lonely and as if you lead a meaningless life. Some people have learning difficulties and have no passion for life. They have nightmares and memory disorders and are depressed. They may possess rigid belief systems and can be very destructive.

Physical issues that may arise from a blocked Crown Chakra are cancers, depression, pineal gland and brain problems.

Now that you have the basic understanding of the several functions and roles of your Chakra System and how they play out on your physical life, it may help decrease or eliminate some physical symptoms and issues you may be experiencing by having a regular Chakra Balancing. Remember you mind and subconscious mind play a role in any forms or healing big or small. You can complement this service with your traditional health care practices. It is also important to know that these are my personal and individual beliefs on how to keep your physical body and mind in sync with each other. I am not a Doctor and will not treat or diagnosis illness nor prescribe any medication or medical testing. This is a complementary care service to help aid in the natural healing process of your body.

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We offer 15 minute complementary consultations to help answer questions about our services or email us at support@channeled-wisdom.com