Tag Archive for: guidance

Find out what energy suckers are and how why they do what they do.

Phones ring, alerts beep to let us know of a new message coming through.  Kids at play or crying and dogs barking.  Driving in the city you hear sirens, horns honking, truck accelerating and motorcycles taking wind.

We all seem to be attuned to these sounds, yet we still take note of them.  To some, we may be so curious as to look and see where and what direction the sound is coming from.

The point of this all is that we take note and sometimes act on it.  We follow up with what’s going on with that noise, especially if there is a fire truck in action.  It’s like our adrenaline kicks in when we hear the sirens and our minds start to wondering of what could be happening.   Even hearing a motorcycle, some turn to see the speed, type of bike it is and even who is riding it.

So, when we are given signs from our Spirit Guides; why don’t we follow or listen to them?

If you are not familiar with a Spirit Guide; it is a helping Spirit that we all have from birth that helps us out in life along our journey by guiding us and helping with our specific purpose.  Now, this is a short explanation but there are more specific blogs in the blog page directory if you wish more clarification.

Back to our Guides or Spirit Guides.  They are there for us along our journey and they leave us hints along the way.  Why would they leave hints for us?  Well, a few examples are; If you’re looking for a change in career or a new job, trying to make a decision big or small or have questions you need to be answered.  Our Guides are there for us leaving messages to help us along our journey.

They will keep leaving these clues to try and grab your attention.  Some may be as subtle as an ad on a Tv or in a magazine.

Ever see a truck with a familiar name on it, a street sign or licence plate that you find a coincidence with what it says?

These are all simple signs usually from your Guide to help you along the way.  Helping you find clarification, guidance, and answers that you’re looking for.

So next time you stumble across subtle signs that keep showing up all over the place take note and put the puzzle pieces together.  And remember to give thanks for the love and support that is always there.



Have you ever had a moment in time when you felt lost, hopeless, and feeling like there is nowhere to turn?

You felt so down you didn’t know whom to talk to?  It could have been late at night or on a weekend when you felt that no one was available to get a hold of.

This is where you hear of stories when people say they talked to God, the universe or a passed loved one.  They did this just to let out the mass flow of thoughts that they may have been processing in their mind.

We all go through times that we need guidance, comfort, and the feeling of love.  But in some of our darkest and low moments, it’s not always easy to be motivated to go out and seek those who can provide our needs for us.  Or we don’t want others judging us or even the slight chance of them telling someone else and thinking that we are weak and not capable.

So, let us backtrack a bit; Where we spoke earlier of people talking to God, the universe or a passed loved one.  Have you ever thought about the Angels?

Yep, that’s what I said.  Have you ever thought about asking for guidance, Love, Closure or just a listening ear from our Angels?

I have worked with many different Angels and Archangels since I was a child.  It only took me a little while to understand and realise that they were here to help guide me, send me comfort, love and they were my backbones for a very long time.  I still connect with them daily and am so grateful they have been part of my life and will continue to be.

Angels are always around watching over us and our family and friends.  They leave signs for us and you will see them if you are open and accepting.

Have you ever made a last-minute change in plans or taken a different route?  Did something happen and an accident prevented yet you don’t understand how it all happened?  Those are just a few simple examples of Angels by your side.

Do you see rainbows or feathers out of the blue?  Even hear angelic music in the middle of the night and thought you were sleeping? Ahh, Angels 101. So, comforting, and full of love!!

So, if you have not connected with the Angelic realm, Try it.  Talk to the Angels, let them hear your thoughts, fears, worries or your accomplishments, successes, and goals.

But, when you are looking for the Angels answers being sent you, be open to what’s around you.  Notice licences plates, street signs, repetitive numbers, magazines and TV shows as well.  Angels will try to communicate answers to you in any way they can and they will keep doing it until you notice it and understand it.

As I type this my loving Archangel Raphael connects with me.  He would like to pass a message on to you all.  Archangel Raphael says “All my loving friends.  I am so happy to connect with you all and send you love and healing light.  We are all beings of light and love.  With that, I ask of you to all spread the love and light, that you all carry within yourself.  Send love to those who are hurting around you or are in need.  Know that your intent sets the environment and atmosphere for in which you choose to live your life.  Angels are always around giving you guidance and love.  You just need to be open to feel our love and trust our guidance.  We will never lead you astray.  Take my hand to all those that are here and I fill you with love, light, guidance and confidence to move you forth in your journey”.

Thank you, Archangel Raphael, for your lovely message. And what a great way to end this.  Knowing how loving and readily available they are, for all of our needs.

Sending you all love and light from Archangel Raphael and myself.