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I’m sure the title of this may sound a bit odd; “to stay grounded”.  Maybe it brings back childhood memories of doing something wrong and facing consequences like being grounding for your actions.  Well, I’m chuckling a bit as I had my fair share of grounding, but it sure kept me in line, “thanks, Mom and Dad” XOXO.


The type of grounding that I am talking about now, is not about punishment and getting sent to your room or sitting in a corner.  This type of grounding is energetical.  It’s a grounding used by our own physical energy as well as the universe and earth energy.


Do you ever feel spacey or lightheaded?  Or, have you zoned out and feet lost?  What about grumpy, agitated, a lack of feeling calm and keeping your cool?  Can you relate to any of these?  If you said yes, to anyone of them, then your energetic body may not be flowing and you may be out of alignment and not energetically grounded.


If you have experienced any of these feelings/symptoms at times, most people think the worst and start searching the internet looking for answers.  Only, to get searches that have lists and list of illness.   I’m sure you could fit into many illness categories of those online symptom checkers. Well, that’s not fun at all having to worry about something that very well may be as simple as re-grounding yourself. I’m not saying that this should override any medical physician’s advice and if you are not feeling well and that you should not see your physician.  Rather, if you have any of the above it could be that you need re-grounded.


Grounding can be very simple to do yourself or if you feel a spiritual mentor would be a better fit then you can do so as well.


When you are grounded you feel light and free.  Your thoughts are better processed and mind works more optimally in being able to organize and deal with whatever may arise.  You will also feel more at ease when stressful situations surround you.  Your body, when grounded, works better.  The energetic meridian lines flow which sets up your overall physical body to function properly.  When the meridians are flowing, the energy corresponds to your physical organs and systems that keep them working and functioning the way they should be.   Once people realize, and physically see how great they feel being grounded and go with minimal resistance about everyday life, in time they can differentiate the difference of being grounded and not.


Grounding is something that does need to be done time to time.  It just really depends on your lifestyle.


So, you wonder why can’t you just ground yourself once and be good to go?  Well like anything, the environment that surrounds us, may it be actions from people, weather, finances, relationship, work, and the list goes on.  Any of these all carry energy and we absorb these energies without knowing from time to time.  In return, it can throw you off and make you feel drained, agitated, irate or any of the other symptoms we discussed earlier.  This is all normal.  But then we need to remember to re-ground ourselves so we are in tip-top top shape.


So how can you re-ground yourself you ask?  I will give you a nice and easy, simple example.


Take off your shoes and go barefoot outside (if its nice outside) and get those toes in the grass.  Stomp your feet feeing the energy of the earth penetrate your feet and up throughout your body.  Take time to also breathe in the air.  If you really want to get the most out of it, put one hand palm up to the sky and your other hand palm down to the earth.  Then you switch hands and movement going one hand up and one hand down.  When you are at about the heart centre when crossing your hands put your hand in prayer hand mode and then you switch.  So, one hand up and one hand down, taking a deep breath in, now you bring the hands to the centre of the chest or heart and make prayer with your hands taking a deep breath out and then switching the hands.  Do this a few times and notice the lightness within you.  If you can not get outside due to the weather you can do this in the house as well.

If you are inside, you do all the same things.  Taking off your socks and stomping on the floor gently and picturing your feet are connecting with earth and grounding you.  You can do the same arm movements as well.


Once your start this practice you can do it as often as you like.  As you get use to it, you may do this every couple of days and then space it out further.  As time passes you will know and feel when you are not grounded and when it will be needed to be done again.  It’s amazing the difference how you will feel emotionally, physically, and mentally when in the state of being balanced and grounded.

Do you feel you can give and receive love and kindness equally?  How much do you love yourself and others? 

Their qualities are all associated with your 4th chakra also known as your Heart /Anahata chakra.  It is located in the heart/centre area of your chest.  It is bright green in colour when balanced and is associated with your heart, lungs, mid-back and circulatory system.

How do I know if my Heart chakra is out of balance?

There are many ways to associate the physical elements and your heart chakra being out of balance.  A big one is how much do you love yourself?  Did you know that if you can’t accept and love yourself, you may find it hard to truly, fully love someone else?

Or do you have a hard time receiving from others but are always willing to give or vice-versa?  I’m sure just looking at that statement you can see the imbalance of it.  To have balance you need to be able to give and receive equally.  Now, this might not be the case to give and receive all at once.  But it eventually levels itself out.

You may also be feeling a lack of love from others, sad, hurt, betrayed or lonely.  These are also signs that your heart chakra may be out of balance.

What are some physical signs associated with the heart chakra?

Sometimes when we have physical hurdles they may be associated with an emotional attachment.  The heart chakra is associated with your mid-back, lungs, heart and circulatory system and it also influences the whole system and process of energy flow.  So when your health presents you with issues that connect to the heart chakra it may be due to an old attachment that you may be holding in your energy field on a subconscious level.


Bring Balance back and Move Your Life Forward.

Balance in the Heart Chakra really builds on connection, relationships, giving and receiving as it is the Chakra of Love. Using it’s meditation word YAM helps restore balance. Even the sound of it is powerful, no? Picturing a bright white, cleansing light entering it and cleansing it out and filling it up with emerald green will also help. Using a natural element like a stone to meditate on, sleep with/near, or carry around with you can also help. Spirit suggested Unakite to us as an aid for this Chakra because it is a great energy, healing and balancing properities.

If you feel you need more help in restoring balance to your 4th Chakra, an energy practitioner can also help you. We provide Chakra Balances led by our Spirit Guides who not only balance your Chakra energies but provide you insight as to why there might be an imbalance and how you can maintain balance in the future. To learn more about this service and the Heart Chakra stone, please visit our Chakra Balance page.

What do Ambition, Creativity, Drive and Assertiveness have in common?

They are all governed by the Solar Plexus aka Manipura Chakra, the 3rd in your major 7 Chakra lineup. This Chakra is located in your solar plexus: the area between your sternum and navel. It is bright yellow in colour when balanced and on a physical level affects your solar plexus, gall bladder, stomach, liver, spleen and central nervous system.

How does Creativity fit in with these other attributes?

While it may seem that Creativity is the odd attribute out in relation to Ambition, Drive and Assertiveness, it really isn’t. Certainly, Creativity governs our creative nature in artistic pursuits such as music, drawing, painting, design, etc. However, it also applies to how we approach our relationships and careers where the other attributes seem like a given. For example, when this Chakra is balanced, we can find creative ways to solve challenges in our relationships and careers. Or find creative ways to expand our business endeavours. Conversely, Ambition, Drive and Assertiveness can enhance our creative efforts in terms of moving them forward and expressing them with conviction, either orally or through another medium such as sculpture, film or photographs.

How can you optimize these attributes in your life?

When this 3rd Chakra is balanced, you feel as your life is all smooth sailing. You possess a sense of contribution to your family and career and the world at large, ideas are flowing and you can express your drives, desires, wants, and creative nature is a way that is easy, effortless and powerful without being over-bearing.

Recognizing that you might not be in balance is the first step.

Do you have trouble taking a deep breath? Do you feel as if nothing you do matters to anyone? Have stomach issues? Can’t find a solution to an issue you are facing in a relationship or at work no matter how much you mull it over? Or find that you have too many ideas but you can’t express any of them? Feel antsy or not like yourself? All of these are clues that this Solar Plexus Chakra is out of balance.

Bring Balance back and Move Your Life Forward.

Balance in the Solar Plexus Chakra really is what moves your life forward in art, relationships and career as it is the Power Chakra. Using it’s meditation word RAM helps restore balance. Even the sound of it is powerful, no? Picturing a bright white, cleansing light entering it and cleansing it out and filling it up will also help. Using a natural element like a stone to meditate on, sleep with/near, or carry around with you can also help. Spirit suggested Calcite to us as an aid for this Chakra because it is a great energy cleanser and amplifier.

If you feel you need more help in restoring balance to your 3rd Chakra, an energy practitioner can also help you. We provide Chakra Balances led by our Spirit Guides who not only balance your Chakra energies but provide you insight as to why there might be an imbalance and how you can maintain balance in the future. To learn more about this service and the Solar Plexus Chakra stone, please visit our Chakra Balance page.

The way we see our health these days have changed.  People these days tend to be more open to natural healing from naturopaths, reflexologists, and osteopaths.  They combined these with traditional medicine.  People are reaching out and using different modalities to accommodate different aspects of their health for healing.  Many are realizing that by keeping balanced, grounded, and healthy energy field or Chakras system benefits their overall health of their body, mind, and spirit.  When these are maintained, you carry less stress, anxiety and fewer illness.


One way to help keep balanced is by maintained healthy Chakra system.  Our Chakras are our life energy vortices that can act as sponges and absorbed years of memories and experiences.  They also correspond to physical aspects of our body.  For example, your Root chakra is located at the base of the spine and is red in colour.  It is associated with security, survival, and everything solid in our life (our home, our body, and the ground we walk on, etc.). The root chakra is about your family, ancestors, and cultural beliefs. It is related to our connection with prosperity and how we attract it into our life. When the root chakra is balanced, you feel grounded and have an inner sense of security. You feel supported and can manifest opportunities and abundance. When it is unbalanced, feelings of fear, insecurity and not feeling like yourself. On a physical level, you may have issues with your lower back, kidneys, bladder, circulatory and reproductive issues.


Did you know you can use different stones to help balance your Chakras and aid in certain illness?  Stones carry unique properties and healing qualities.  Chakra stones are used to activate, balance, or increase the energy of the Chakra.  Healing is based on the belief that stones or crystals have the natural healing frequency that can be activated and contribute to moving or balancing the energy around to heal from within.  These stones also carry a specific vibration that correspond to the Chakra centres to aid in rebalancing, grounding, and healing.


I know there are so many to choose from and it can be confusing on which stone is the best for each Chakra.  Some stones do have similar qualities and can be used on different Chakras. So, you got it, it makes the decision even more challenging to make.


I decided to connect with my spirit Guide, Grace and asked her for guidance on which stones she felt were top notch for balancing, grounding, and healing the Chakras. And she did just that.  It was not a short easy process either.  There was lots of time, effort, thought and reasoning into why she chose each one.


I could not agree more with her choice of stones and am excited about what Grace has chosen for us.  We are delighted to share with you her selection. Visit our Chakra Balance Page (scroll down to the bottom) where you can get detailed information about each stone and their amazing properties.


What do you think of these stones? Like it on Facebook if you agree or share with friends as they may find them beneficial for themselves or a loved one!