The way we see our health these days have changed.  People these days tend to be more open to natural healing from naturopaths, reflexologists, and osteopaths.  They combined these with traditional medicine.  People are reaching out and using different modalities to accommodate different aspects of their health for healing.  Many are realizing that by keeping balanced, grounded, and healthy energy field or Chakras system benefits their overall health of their body, mind, and spirit.  When these are maintained, you carry less stress, anxiety and fewer illness.


One way to help keep balanced is by maintained healthy Chakra system.  Our Chakras are our life energy vortices that can act as sponges and absorbed years of memories and experiences.  They also correspond to physical aspects of our body.  For example, your Root chakra is located at the base of the spine and is red in colour.  It is associated with security, survival, and everything solid in our life (our home, our body, and the ground we walk on, etc.). The root chakra is about your family, ancestors, and cultural beliefs. It is related to our connection with prosperity and how we attract it into our life. When the root chakra is balanced, you feel grounded and have an inner sense of security. You feel supported and can manifest opportunities and abundance. When it is unbalanced, feelings of fear, insecurity and not feeling like yourself. On a physical level, you may have issues with your lower back, kidneys, bladder, circulatory and reproductive issues.


Did you know you can use different stones to help balance your Chakras and aid in certain illness?  Stones carry unique properties and healing qualities.  Chakra stones are used to activate, balance, or increase the energy of the Chakra.  Healing is based on the belief that stones or crystals have the natural healing frequency that can be activated and contribute to moving or balancing the energy around to heal from within.  These stones also carry a specific vibration that correspond to the Chakra centres to aid in rebalancing, grounding, and healing.


I know there are so many to choose from and it can be confusing on which stone is the best for each Chakra.  Some stones do have similar qualities and can be used on different Chakras. So, you got it, it makes the decision even more challenging to make.


I decided to connect with my spirit Guide, Grace and asked her for guidance on which stones she felt were top notch for balancing, grounding, and healing the Chakras. And she did just that.  It was not a short easy process either.  There was lots of time, effort, thought and reasoning into why she chose each one.


I could not agree more with her choice of stones and am excited about what Grace has chosen for us.  We are delighted to share with you her selection. Visit our Chakra Balance Page (scroll down to the bottom) where you can get detailed information about each stone and their amazing properties.


What do you think of these stones? Like it on Facebook if you agree or share with friends as they may find them beneficial for themselves or a loved one!





Why is your Chakra Health important?

Your Chakras affect your overall health – energetically, emotionally, mentally and physically.

We have over 100 chakras in our bodies but there are 7 major ones that govern crucial areas of your life. These 7 govern: your sense of safety and security; your sexual well-being; your career; creativity; love; your ability to express yourself; your intuition; and your connection to higher consciousness. They are also tied to physical parts of your body – limbs, torso, organs, vascular system, and the central nervous system.

We are energetic beings and we create energy within our bodies as well as take on energy from other people, events and places.

Have you ever had someone ask you why you were angry or sad when you thought you were hiding it well? Or have you ever walked into a room and felt something was off? Or felt the energy rolling off a child when s/he is frustrated? Strong emotions, adverse experiences and even past life events create energy that is stored in our Chakras. Not only are we affected by what happens to us, but our Chakras can absorb energy from other people, events and even places that have strong energy stored there.

Neglect your Chakra health and physical pain and illness can result.

If these types of energy are held in our Chakras, the Chakras become unbalanced and energy doesn’t flow through the system as it should. It can then affect our energetic, mental and emotional well-being, leaving us feeling depleted, tired, anxious, fractious, disconnected, or off-kilter. If the energy isn’t cleared out and the Chakras balanced, it builds up and can start to affect our physical health. Pain in your lower back? You could be holding grief in your Root Chakra. Or worry for your financial situation is stuck there. The longer it is held, the more chance it has to turn into a serious illness like cancer.

Care for the energetic health of your Chakras and feel better.

Releasing energy and keeping your Chakras balanced will not only leave you feeling more balanced, energetic and comfortable but it will aid your emotional, mental and physical health. It can restore calm, peace and release pain. Any of these methods will help. Breath deeply into the Chakra that governs the area of your life that you feel needs it. Image a white light entering the affected Chakra and clearing it out. Meditate on the affected Chakra will help. Shower and imagine the energy being washed away.

For more information on the 7 Major Chakras, their physical tie-ins and meditation words, visit our Chakra page.