Why clear your Home or Business?

Maybe because you think there is a Spirit there. But energy also leaves imprints in spaces. Both Spirit and negative energy in your home or business can have lasting effects.

“This place feels weird.”

I think pretty much everyone has walked into a space – a home, a meeting place, a business or a historical attraction and thought “Wow. It doesn’t feel right in here. I don’t know what it is, but it is making me uncomfortable.”

Is it Spirit?

You may experience a change in temperature – cold spots or a breeze where there shouldn’t be one. Quick glimpses of a shape or face in a mirror or out of the corner of your eye. Or maybe you hear strange sounds. These are signs that there is a Spirit present. Because we sense someone but can’t see anyone, we sometimes react in fear of the unknown. It doesn’t necessarily mean the Spirit doesn’t want you there. It could just be that they are confused and trapped in this dimension. Or maybe the Spirit wants to give you a message.

Is it energy?

Events that carry strong emotions can leave an imprint in a place, like unseen dirt. Divorce, death, some sort of traumatic event, all leave energy imprints behind. When you enter a space and experience a feeling of sadness, or nausea, or dizziness, or even experience a wall of energy that feels unwelcoming, it is highly probable that you are reacting to a negative energy imprint.

How can this affect you?

We’ve all heard of a house that doesn’t sell or a business that can’t seem to find success no matter how attractive the home/store/restaurant/product/location. But what about disturbed sleep because you feel a presence and don’t know what the Spirit wants? Or a feeling of constriction or fear whenever you enter a certain room or place? Or maybe your relationships are suddenly fraught with tension as result of negative energy that you’re living in but not aware of. None of this is healthy for you in the long term.

How do you clear it?

If it is a Spirit you sense and you don’t want it around, ask it to leave or send it into the light. If it is an energy imprint, clearing it with incense or burning sage can help. If these don’t work for you, call in a professional. An Intuitive can connect with Spirit to move them along and can also work with their Spirit Guides to clear out any energy imprints.

We all want to live and work in places that are comfortable, welcoming and prosperous. Which is why clearing your home or business is important.

Have you ever had a moment in time when you felt lost, hopeless, and feeling like there is nowhere to turn?

You felt so down you didn’t know whom to talk to?  It could have been late at night or on a weekend when you felt that no one was available to get a hold of.

This is where you hear of stories when people say they talked to God, the universe or a passed loved one.  They did this just to let out the mass flow of thoughts that they may have been processing in their mind.

We all go through times that we need guidance, comfort, and the feeling of love.  But in some of our darkest and low moments, it’s not always easy to be motivated to go out and seek those who can provide our needs for us.  Or we don’t want others judging us or even the slight chance of them telling someone else and thinking that we are weak and not capable.

So, let us backtrack a bit; Where we spoke earlier of people talking to God, the universe or a passed loved one.  Have you ever thought about the Angels?

Yep, that’s what I said.  Have you ever thought about asking for guidance, Love, Closure or just a listening ear from our Angels?

I have worked with many different Angels and Archangels since I was a child.  It only took me a little while to understand and realise that they were here to help guide me, send me comfort, love and they were my backbones for a very long time.  I still connect with them daily and am so grateful they have been part of my life and will continue to be.

Angels are always around watching over us and our family and friends.  They leave signs for us and you will see them if you are open and accepting.

Have you ever made a last-minute change in plans or taken a different route?  Did something happen and an accident prevented yet you don’t understand how it all happened?  Those are just a few simple examples of Angels by your side.

Do you see rainbows or feathers out of the blue?  Even hear angelic music in the middle of the night and thought you were sleeping? Ahh, Angels 101. So, comforting, and full of love!!

So, if you have not connected with the Angelic realm, Try it.  Talk to the Angels, let them hear your thoughts, fears, worries or your accomplishments, successes, and goals.

But, when you are looking for the Angels answers being sent you, be open to what’s around you.  Notice licences plates, street signs, repetitive numbers, magazines and TV shows as well.  Angels will try to communicate answers to you in any way they can and they will keep doing it until you notice it and understand it.

As I type this my loving Archangel Raphael connects with me.  He would like to pass a message on to you all.  Archangel Raphael says “All my loving friends.  I am so happy to connect with you all and send you love and healing light.  We are all beings of light and love.  With that, I ask of you to all spread the love and light, that you all carry within yourself.  Send love to those who are hurting around you or are in need.  Know that your intent sets the environment and atmosphere for in which you choose to live your life.  Angels are always around giving you guidance and love.  You just need to be open to feel our love and trust our guidance.  We will never lead you astray.  Take my hand to all those that are here and I fill you with love, light, guidance and confidence to move you forth in your journey”.

Thank you, Archangel Raphael, for your lovely message. And what a great way to end this.  Knowing how loving and readily available they are, for all of our needs.

Sending you all love and light from Archangel Raphael and myself.

You may have lost a loved one and want to connect with them through an Intuitive or Medium. During your channeling session, the loved one is asked to come forward but doesn’t.

Does this mean something is wrong with your loved one? With you? 

No. Not at all. If your loved one doesn’t show up during the session, it doesn’t mean that your loved one’s spirit is lost or is suffering. And it isn’t because you’ve done something wrong and your loved one doesn’t want to talk to you.

There are a couple of reasons why a loved one may not come through.

In the majority of instances when a client has asked to communicate with a specific loved one and that person hasn’t come through, it is because the client is in a state of grief in which having contact with that loved one doesn’t serve his or her best interests. I know this seems counterintuitive. You would think that having contact would help lessen the person’s grief. However, in the cases we’ve witnessed, the client has been in what we describe as a bubble or a cloud. Their grief is at a stage where contact wouldn’t serve them – it may deepen their grief. It doesn’t mean the passed loved one isn’t around. It is simply that the time isn’t right for communication between the spirit of the loved one and the person who is grieving.

The other case is that the spirit of the passed loved one isn’t ready to be communicated with. Again, this doesn’t mean that the spirit is lost or suffering – it is simply the case that the spirit or soul is in life review and have some things they need to come to terms with before they are ready to communicate with the living. For example, one client wanted to connect with her husband who had passed. The image that was presented to her was of him seated at a school desk with the message – “he is in school and unavailable”. She wasn’t surprised at all. In fact, it made perfect sense to her given how he had lived his life. But the fact that she was presented with his image at school still let her know that he was fine – just learning.

Could the reason be that the Intuitive or Medium isn’t qualified?

Yes. Not everyone who claims to be able to communicate with spirits of people who have passed on can actually do so. Be careful when you are choosing someone to make this connection for you. Check their background. Are they experienced with a proven track record? Have they been practicing for a while? Do they have legitimate testimonials? Were they referred to you by someone you trust? Can they refer satisfied clients to you? If the answer is yes to all of these questions but the connection still wasn’t able to be made, then the reason is for one of the two listed above, not that the person is unqualified.

You can also connect with your loved one yourself.

Ask your loved one to appear in a dream to you before you go to sleep. If it doesn’t happen immediately, don’t give up. Keep trying. If you still don’t have success after a few nights, ask yourself a few questions. Are you really ready to connect with that loved one? Is it possible that the loved one is in life review? Is there any fear in you, at all, about this connection that may be preventing it?

Are you receiving non-verbal communication?

Your loved ones are around. Are they leaving you objects that you might associate with them? Are you finding coins on the ground? (Pennies or dimes) Do you feel a chill in the air when you think of them? Are objects being moved in your house? These are all potential signs that your loved one is communicating with you in non-verbal ways.

So even if you can’t make the connection, feel free to talk to your passed loved ones. They can hear you.


Have you ever been on holidays or at a spot where you felt like you have been before but, you know you have not?

What about phobias?  Do you have any? Spiders, heights or the dark?  What about water, drowning or being caught in a fire?

Have you ever thought about where it may come from?

These can all be traits of past lives coming through into this lifetime. I’m sure you have heard of people looking at little kids and wondering where they get their wisdom from or where did they come up with that statement.  We all usually just giggle and think, wow how cute or, they just play it off.  Right?  Have you ever done that with a little one?  I’m sure many have.

Next time you come across a child that says something that may seem wise beyond their age?  Or if they start playing in an imaginative way that is beyond their knowledge: go ahead and ask the child where did they get that idea or information from.  Play into it and dig a bit to see what else may come out of it.   You may be surprised!!  Kids are very open and have no barrier or blocks from spirit or past lives. You may learn a thing or two from them. And know it’s all harmless.

How about you?  Do you have any of these traits as described above?  Or do you have a specific attachment to something and you don’t know why?  May it be a specific animal, insect, or type of antique.

If you look deeper into it, these could be related to one or several past lives you have lived.

Yes, there is such a thing as past lives.  Most people do not acknowledge these traits, habits or events may have come from a past life. But it very well could be.

Past lives can at times be of assistance to us in this life.  I’d like to give you an example.  I had a client that had a fear of drowning and had nightmares and feared water to the point where she was not able to enjoy the water.  I did a past life session with her where I connected to her past life and brought up a few different things that may have happened to her or she witnessed.  The session revealed that this lady lived back in the late 1800’s and there was a small pond with rocks around it on her property.  Her child had tripped on the rocks and had drowned.  She witnessed the end result of this in her past life…. drowning.  Leading her to hold the fear of that experience and the attachment to what water meant to her.  Not so nice.  So, once she acknowledged this event was from the past, she worked on understanding this no longer served her and has no relevance in this life.  She finally released this fear and has been able to gradually welcome some water back into her life and enjoy the ocean, rivers, and pools.

We have all lived many lives in many lifetimes.  I know we have you thinking now!!


Higher Consciousness. Higher Awareness.

This is what the Crown or 7th Chakra – Sahaswara governs. What does this mean? For some it is their connection to God. For others, it connects them to the Universe. For others, it connects them to a Higher Power or All. Whatever you might call it, it is the energy that links us to something greater than ourselves.

Where knowing can occur.

It is this connection, this energy centre, that can inform us with knowledge and wisdom that is greater than we can know ourselves. This 7th or Crown Chakra is connected strongly to our 6th or Third Eye Chakra, the seat of our intuition. Together, they allow us to access wisdom and guidance from a higher source.

Keeping it balanced is key.

When this 7th, Crown Chakra is balanced we are easily able to receive guidance in our everyday lives. We feel a sense of connectedness to others, the world at large and to something greater than ourselves that feeds us a sense of calm, peace and energy. When this Chakra is out-of-balance it can leave us feeling either cut off, depressed, isolated and alone (constricted) or overwhelmed by other people’s emotions with a weight or heaviness bearing down on you (expanded).

Meditate using AUM or by pouring white light into this Chakra to keep it balanced.

Physically, this Chakra is tied to your brain, pineal gland and sleep so when it is imbalanced it could leave you sleep deprived, suffering from headaches, neck tension or anxiety. It plays a big part in your mental and emotional health. So it is important to keep it healthy.

To learn more about this Chakra and how you can keep it balanced, either using a stone or having a Chakra Balance, please visit our Chakra Balance page.

Your 6th Chakra is the Ajna or Third Eye Chakra. It is located between your eyebrows and gives a glorious and vibrant indigo or purple colour. It also resembles the image of an eye.

Have you noticed that you second guess your decisions or can’t even make them? 

This Chakra governs your inner intuition and higher self.  You will know this Chakra is out of balance in this area if you are having troubles with feeling confident in pursuing goals, making decisions, and finding your direction or journey in life.  It also holds the TRUST factor in all areas.

When it is in balance, your connection to trusting yourself will not be questioned.  You will be content with the choices you make and will see good in any outcome.  You will not be looking for reassurance in any areas of your life and you can trust yourself and others.

Trying to connect with your Spiritual Self? 

Another area the third eye chakra covers is connecting with the spiritual realm.  You will know if this chakra is out of balance if you are too much in your Head. You will also find that you may think and act on impulse.  You will have no real feelings or concern for any outcomes.  You may also only think in the now.  You may notice that you get headaches or foggy feelings on a regular basis if out of balance.

When in balance, you will enjoy each new day and what it has to offer.  Your outlook on life is positive even when you see obstacles.  You feel the love in everything and all around you.  You will have a better understanding of decisions and actions people make.  You will also trust your gut instincts without second guessing.  You will feel lighter, happy and have a positive outlook on life.

Have you been having health concerns with headaches, nervous system, pituitary gland, and sinuses?

You got it.  Your chakra may be out of balance if you are experiencing any of these issues related to this area. We tend to blame headaches and other issues on environmental change or too much work!!  But what’s the root cause?  The real question you need to ask, is your third eye chakra closed?

So how do I Balance this Chakra?

There are several ways you can restore balance to your third eye. You can meditate on it by using the meditation word SHAM. You can picture pouring light into it and cleansing it out. You can carry or meditate on a stone or crystal to restore balance. We suggest Fluorite for this Chakra as it is a particularly good for stabilising your energy and balancing and reconnecting you to your higher self.  It will help bring you the energy of confidence and trust as well as its an immune booster!!

You can also have an energy practitioner balance your Chakras for you.

To learn more about the physical tie-ins to the Third Eye and about how our Chakra Balance services can help, please visit our Chakra Balance page.


Vishuddha. Trying saying that 5 times fast 😉

The Throat Chakra governs Expression and Communication. How is this area of your life?

Are you holding back from telling people in your life how you feel about them? Are you having trouble finding the right words that express your desires, needs and wants? Are you afraid to say anything because you believe unkind or angry words will come spewing out?

Or are you experiencing the opposite? You can’t seem to shut up? You try to explain yourself succinctly and the words just keep coming and coming and you still can’t make your point? You rush to fill silences with gossip or stories that have no relation to the situation at hand.

If you have answered “Yes” to any of these questions, your Throat Chakra is out of balance.

When you find yourself unable to express yourself, there is a constriction on your 5th Chakra. When you are running off at the mouth, as the expression goes, your Throat Chakra is in hyper-extension. You know the frustration that comes from either of these imbalances.

The ability to communicate well affects all aspects of your life – relationships, career, and health.

Of course you want to be able to communicate and express yourself to your best ability. Life flows much more smoothly when you do. Miscommunications and misunderstandings diminish. Your words flow freely and you are heard.

Kissing the Blarney Stone won’t help.

To bring balance back to your Throat or 5th Chakra, meditate on that spot (centre of your throat) using the meditation word HAM or by picturing a pure white light entering your Chakra, cleansing it and restoring it to balance. You can also combine these two methods during a meditation. If you enjoy using stones, Spirit suggested Sodalite to us for this Chakra as it treats the throat, vocal chords and larynx. This stone can be used in your meditation by holding it in your hand or placing it on your throat.

If you feel you aren’t having much success in balancing your Chakra for yourself, we provide a Chakra Balance unlike any other, as it is Spirit guided. To learn more about this service and our Chakra Stones, please visit our Chakra Balance page.

Do you feel you can give and receive love and kindness equally?  How much do you love yourself and others? 

Their qualities are all associated with your 4th chakra also known as your Heart /Anahata chakra.  It is located in the heart/centre area of your chest.  It is bright green in colour when balanced and is associated with your heart, lungs, mid-back and circulatory system.

How do I know if my Heart chakra is out of balance?

There are many ways to associate the physical elements and your heart chakra being out of balance.  A big one is how much do you love yourself?  Did you know that if you can’t accept and love yourself, you may find it hard to truly, fully love someone else?

Or do you have a hard time receiving from others but are always willing to give or vice-versa?  I’m sure just looking at that statement you can see the imbalance of it.  To have balance you need to be able to give and receive equally.  Now, this might not be the case to give and receive all at once.  But it eventually levels itself out.

You may also be feeling a lack of love from others, sad, hurt, betrayed or lonely.  These are also signs that your heart chakra may be out of balance.

What are some physical signs associated with the heart chakra?

Sometimes when we have physical hurdles they may be associated with an emotional attachment.  The heart chakra is associated with your mid-back, lungs, heart and circulatory system and it also influences the whole system and process of energy flow.  So when your health presents you with issues that connect to the heart chakra it may be due to an old attachment that you may be holding in your energy field on a subconscious level.


Bring Balance back and Move Your Life Forward.

Balance in the Heart Chakra really builds on connection, relationships, giving and receiving as it is the Chakra of Love. Using it’s meditation word YAM helps restore balance. Even the sound of it is powerful, no? Picturing a bright white, cleansing light entering it and cleansing it out and filling it up with emerald green will also help. Using a natural element like a stone to meditate on, sleep with/near, or carry around with you can also help. Spirit suggested Unakite to us as an aid for this Chakra because it is a great energy, healing and balancing properities.

If you feel you need more help in restoring balance to your 4th Chakra, an energy practitioner can also help you. We provide Chakra Balances led by our Spirit Guides who not only balance your Chakra energies but provide you insight as to why there might be an imbalance and how you can maintain balance in the future. To learn more about this service and the Heart Chakra stone, please visit our Chakra Balance page.

What do Ambition, Creativity, Drive and Assertiveness have in common?

They are all governed by the Solar Plexus aka Manipura Chakra, the 3rd in your major 7 Chakra lineup. This Chakra is located in your solar plexus: the area between your sternum and navel. It is bright yellow in colour when balanced and on a physical level affects your solar plexus, gall bladder, stomach, liver, spleen and central nervous system.

How does Creativity fit in with these other attributes?

While it may seem that Creativity is the odd attribute out in relation to Ambition, Drive and Assertiveness, it really isn’t. Certainly, Creativity governs our creative nature in artistic pursuits such as music, drawing, painting, design, etc. However, it also applies to how we approach our relationships and careers where the other attributes seem like a given. For example, when this Chakra is balanced, we can find creative ways to solve challenges in our relationships and careers. Or find creative ways to expand our business endeavours. Conversely, Ambition, Drive and Assertiveness can enhance our creative efforts in terms of moving them forward and expressing them with conviction, either orally or through another medium such as sculpture, film or photographs.

How can you optimize these attributes in your life?

When this 3rd Chakra is balanced, you feel as your life is all smooth sailing. You possess a sense of contribution to your family and career and the world at large, ideas are flowing and you can express your drives, desires, wants, and creative nature is a way that is easy, effortless and powerful without being over-bearing.

Recognizing that you might not be in balance is the first step.

Do you have trouble taking a deep breath? Do you feel as if nothing you do matters to anyone? Have stomach issues? Can’t find a solution to an issue you are facing in a relationship or at work no matter how much you mull it over? Or find that you have too many ideas but you can’t express any of them? Feel antsy or not like yourself? All of these are clues that this Solar Plexus Chakra is out of balance.

Bring Balance back and Move Your Life Forward.

Balance in the Solar Plexus Chakra really is what moves your life forward in art, relationships and career as it is the Power Chakra. Using it’s meditation word RAM helps restore balance. Even the sound of it is powerful, no? Picturing a bright white, cleansing light entering it and cleansing it out and filling it up will also help. Using a natural element like a stone to meditate on, sleep with/near, or carry around with you can also help. Spirit suggested Calcite to us as an aid for this Chakra because it is a great energy cleanser and amplifier.

If you feel you need more help in restoring balance to your 3rd Chakra, an energy practitioner can also help you. We provide Chakra Balances led by our Spirit Guides who not only balance your Chakra energies but provide you insight as to why there might be an imbalance and how you can maintain balance in the future. To learn more about this service and the Solar Plexus Chakra stone, please visit our Chakra Balance page.

Your 2nd Chakra is the Svadhisthana or Sacral Chakra. It is located between your belly button and your pelvic bone and is bright orange in colour.

Are you having issues in your relationship with intimacy, desire or feeling a lack of pleasure?

This Chakra governs Desire, Sexuality, Pleasure, and all planes of intimacy.  You will know this Chakra is out of balance in this area if you are having troubles with connecting with your partner.  If you are finding there is lack of intimacy or you have no sex drive.

When it is in balance, your connection will be one that you can not explain.  You will enjoy each others company and want to constantly maintain a healthy sex life and relationship.

How happy are you and do you find joy and fulfillment in everyday?

Another area the Sacral chakra governs is how you approach life and relationships in general.  You will know you’re out of balance when you are unhappy and feeling down all the time.  You have no confidence when meeting other people and engaging in relationships.  Also, feeling like every day is a failure and you are not motivated to reach goals.

When in balance, you will enjoy each new day and what it has to offer.  Your outlook on life is positive even when you see obstacles.  You see the obstacle, but you will figure how to get around it.  You are open and excited to meet and make conversation with new people and new relationships.

Have you been having health concerns with your lower back, bladder, kidneys, and digestion?

You got it.  Your chakra may be out of balance if you are experiencing any of these issues.  It’s funny how our energetic body is tied into our physical body.

You would be amazed at the number of people that get the full tune up with a Chakra Balance.  They can release what no longer serves them and they look face to face with what is holding them back or attached to them. By doing so they feel lighter, happier, healthier and they see themselves healing from the inside out.

So how do I Balance this Chakra?

There are several ways you can restore balance to your Sacral Chakra. You can meditate on it by using the meditation word Vam. You can picture pouring light into it and cleansing it out. You can carry or meditate on a stone or crystal to restore balance. We suggest Carnelian for this Chakra as it is a particularly good for stabilising your energy and emotions, restoring vitality and supporting us through stressful times and brings motivation. It balances Yin/Yang energy and can bring tranquility and restore wholeness. You can also have an energy practitioner balance your Chakras for you.

To learn more about the physical tie-ins to the Sacral Chakra and about how our Chakra Balance services can help, please visit our Chakra Balance page.